Example sentences of "have be [adv prt] at " in BNC.

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1 I must 've been out at the wrong time .
2 A friend of mine Dave who wrote half the album with me and produced the album has been on at me for five years , come on let's make an album , let's make an album , let's make an album , making a , let's make an album er and a few record companies have come on and they 've always wanted me to do an album like maybe , let's prepackage old sixties ' songs and revise them , or let's do love themes from T V shows and which would never have interested me , so I said to Dave , you know when a record company comes with an offer to make an album , to do the album I wan na do then we 'll do one .
3 Graham Townsend has been back at work for only 4 weeks .
4 A legend in the power boat world , Shurdington signwriter , John has been in at the top of his sport for over 30 years .
5 Maggie immediately thought of the lack of seagulls she 'd noticed when she 'd been down at the sea-front .
6 It was just that , well , I heard he 'd been down at the police station this morning .
7 They must have been up at Cambridge about the same time .
8 Carrie suddenly said , ‘ Your mum and I were worried about you , Seb , but all my dad could keep saying was , ‘ It 's a good job I managed to reach you when I did , or you 'd have been up at that farmhouse for another week . ’ ’
9 What about livestock would they have been in at that time of year ?
10 No Chris should have been in at six , that 's when the first team started counting .
11 I would rather have been down at the villa making figgy hedgehogs for Tony but a promise is a promise .
12 The gate may have been down at Sanford Smith 's fourth annual Works on Paper exhibition in New York 's Park Avenue Armory from 3 to 5 April , but most of the participants had little to complain about .
13 ‘ She might have been down at the jetty a couple of hours ago .
14 Had she accepted , he might have been back at The priory now , with her as his bride .
15 I should have been back at school in Nigeria .
16 I should have been back at the office .
17 For those of us old enough to have been around at the time of the birth of rock ‘ n ’ roll , the idea of an advanced course in the music which made both us and our parents jump ( but in opposite directions ) may be hard to accommodate .
18 Madeira can claim to have been in at the birth of modern tourism , along with such famous nineteenth-century resorts as Baden-Baden , the Italian Lakes and the French Riviera .
19 " We in Christian Aid are proud to have been in at the start of this magazine which campaigns relentlessly for a better , fairer , environmentally purer and politically more aware world .
20 Vivien had been up at St Hugh 's , so I was looking forward to her being an excellent guide .
21 The guys who had been up at Lockerbie , after Pan Am 103 , working alongside the British police , they did n't know how lucky they 'd been …
22 Jarvis Stringer 's grandparents ' qualifications for keeping a school were that he had been up at Oxford where he had read Greats and she had left Goldsmith 's College halfway through her teacher training .
23 Slorne , who had been up at the back of her cage most of the day as usual , suddenly opened her wings , swung round and dropped down to the front of her cage .
24 Only that he had been up at San Carlos about two years and had a wife that was supposed to be very pretty and about fifteen years younger than he was .
25 If International had been around at the time of the Vikings , there 's little doubt whose paint would have been used to keep those marauding longships in prime condition .
26 Jodie Cooper from Australia told me that she had been out at Haleiwa when Johnny Boy got it into his head that she had robbed him of his wave .
27 Pam had been out at a friend 's all evening .
28 They had been back at Ca' del Leone a little over two hours when Maureen phoned .
29 His wife in her innocence told us he had been down at the steamer when we landed and had slipped out of sight , and next morning he had left at six o'clock to go and visit a small island North of Jura where he had never been known to go before . "
30 I went to Scotland Yard this morning and saw an Inspector and told him all about our suspicions , and about how we knew Nigel had been down at Streatley that Saturday — ’
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