Example sentences of "have be [vb pp] all " in BNC.

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1 But a heroic act of rescue , splendidly documented , has been done all the same .
2 But already the decision has been given all party support in the House of Lords .
3 And McDonald 's UK president , Paul Preston , said : ‘ The restaurant has been packed all morning .
4 He has been pursued all year by race fan Newman and his Chicago business partner Carl Haas .
5 You give the impression of a man who has been accustomed all his life to wealth and privilege . ’
6 In fact even if one succeeds in dissociating oneself from some of the more romantic claims that are made on its behalf it 's easy to get the discouraging impression that communication without words is after all a residual topic and that once orthodox language has been subtracted all that is left is a rubbish heap of nudges , shrugs , pouts , sighs , winks and glances — or to put it another way that non-verbal communication is simply the behavioural exhaust thrown out of the rear end of an extremely high-tech linguistic machine .
7 She said I 'd been given all I 'd get and I said it was n't enough . ’
8 When her brother had looked likely to become a chip off the old block , he 'd been given all the support of a loving father intent on realising his own dreams through his son .
9 And the chiller and the waterways and everything should all have been done all at the same time .
10 It is widely believed that if Labour 's national executive had acted on his report in the mid-1970s about the need to root out Militant Tendency from within the party , then the movement would have been saved all the subsequent turmoil in the 1980s , by which time Militant had gained a grip .
11 It was thought they must have been conferred all at once in an act of divine creation .
12 A question that puzzled some followers of Zarathustra in later times was that , if Ohrmazd was all-powerful and so destined to overthrow Ahriman , why did this not happen immediately , so that the world would have been spared all the suffering caused by the conflict between them ?
13 ( If they 'd existed in George Orwell 's day , when they were needed at least as much as now , we 'd have been spared all his sentimental fallacies about the perfect symmetry of family life . )
14 If however , there was no open way remaining , then the rising main must have been brought all the way up to the top of the shaft .
15 Could we have been hoodwinked all the way ?
16 This was a large rectangular building in the same tradition as the mortuary houses at Phourni , with a rabbit warren of small chambers inside and a colonnade along the east front ; it differs from the Phourni mortuary houses in having been built all at once .
17 Secondly , even though group weddings do occur , for example among people like the Samburu of East Africa , where traditionally all the young men of the same age group married on the same day a group of girls , this does not mean that the marriages are any less individual affairs for having been celebrated all at the same time .
18 Which was more than she could say for Uriah Colclough , a spare , already balding man in his mid-thirties who , having been torn all his life between a religious vocation and a natural Colclough desire to make money , lived like an industrialist but dressed like a vicar .
19 It is clear that all around the world , Rottweilers seem to have been discovered all at the same time .
20 Then of course it seemed to have been predetermined all the time .
21 The Yorkshire Television switchboard in Leeds with its myriad lines had been jammed all day with calls about Hannah .
22 He is retired now , but he had been sent all her possessions some time after the war from the house in avenue Hoche .
23 Ginguene 's most valuable next sentence suggests that the director 's baton had been waved all the time : it ‘ indicated by its strokes the end of each so-called bar and , by the various signs that it traced in the air , the various interpolations or divisions of that bar . ’
24 Within hours of this US response , which Iraq 's ruling Revolution Command Council denounced as " disgraceful " , the Soviet Union tried to rescue its peace initiative by announcing that Aziz ( who was still in Moscow ) had agreed to a revised six-point peace plan whereby ( i ) Iraq would agree to comply with Resolution 660 ; ( ii ) withdrawal from Kuwait would begin the day after a ceasefire ; ( iii ) the withdrawal would be completed within 21 days , including withdrawal from Kuwait City within four days ; ( iv ) once the withdrawal had been completed all relevant UN Security Council resolutions would lapse ; ( v ) all prisoners of war would be released three days after a ceasefire ; and ( vi ) monitoring of the ceasefire would be carried out by observers or peacekeeping forces as determined by the UN Security Council .
25 The sun , which had been hidden all day , broke through the cloud at the very moment that Bill fell tail first into a peat hole filled with boggy water and could n't get out .
26 ‘ Kelly had been kicked all night and he thought it was going to happen again .
27 Lewis was more bitter since he felt — as so many of his contemporaries did — that he had been forced all his life to live in Eliot 's shadow .
28 It would be b because the straw , the thatch had been pulled all straight it would flowing down , and then they used to er they used to th throw it over , it would be throwing the water away from the stack had been built like an egg you know .
29 They were too far away for her to recognise faces , but she could imagine John and Angela among them , unaware that they had been pursued all the way from Romania .
30 Miles had been surrounded all evening , it seemed , by droves of tinselled ladies .
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