Example sentences of "have be [noun pl] in " in BNC.

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1 The second major contextual change has been shifts in government policy , operating in the context of large scale youth unemployment .
2 The most serious impact on the community sector has been cuts in local authority spending — the largest source of revenue for most local organisations .
3 Like other sections of the popular movement the health sector has been years in the growing and in establishing work practice and vital organizations .
4 There 'd been services in St Simon and St Jude 's every day this week .
5 But all she 'd had were roles in forgettable TV shows and minor movies .
6 The only influence on their choice could have been differences in the credit terms .
7 These would have been collaterals in whom Ivy might have delighted .
8 Both Offa 's dislike of the men of Kent and the extent of the territory now coming under his control may have been factors in the situation in the late 780s , but in 798 Coenwulf and Leo were deploying these arguments selectively and in a way which compromises their validity as single explanations of what was probably a complex situation .
9 ‘ Eighty years ago her subjects would have been knights in armour , ladies in wimples and distress … now , in 1939 , they were bodiless heads , green horses and violet grass , seaweed , shells and fungi ’ , all executed in the style of Dali .
10 The high interest rates might well have depressed investment if other things had remained equal , but there may have been changes in other factors that helped to maintain investment : in other words , the I curve shifted to the right .
11 The political speakers , who would have been YCs in their day , knew that they should be brief .
12 If Hand could not do so for 65 theses , then tracing 550 authors of Scottish geology theses would have been even more daunting , and there would have been difficulties in selecting a statistically valid sub-set for a questionnaire .
13 And yesterday as a big hunt was launched for her attackers , police revealed there may have been women in the gang .
14 From a commercial viewpoint , this was clearly intolerable , although socially these may have been lines in very remote areas where rail was an important link .
15 There may have been queues in the streets when Derrida came to Oxford recently .
16 There would have been dances in them .
17 Their lights picked out the graffiti of long-dead people — prayers , curses , obscenities , threats — and what might have been messages in alien script or in the calligraphy of madness .
18 The close attention which the union committee gave to every case of a girl being hired in the winter and spring months of 1910 argues that the recruitment had slowed to a trickle , as is borne out by an analysis by age of the sample in Chapter 6 : whereas large numbers of the women would have been 14-year-olds in 1908–9 , hardly any were younger than this .
19 Exotic animals would probably have been rarities in the British arenae and even then used only for exhibition , as they would presumably have been too expensive to have suffered damage .
20 He described his co-workers as ‘ the people who would have been poets in the sixties and they 're looking at computers as their medium of expression rather than language ’ ( Jobs , 1984 : 18 ) .
21 Isidore of Seville ( d. 636 ) summed it all up thus : ‘ many who bear the attacks of the adversary and resist the desires of the flesh are martyrs , even in the time of peace , in virtue of this self-immolation to God in their heart : they would have been martyrs in the time of the persecutions ’ .
22 But there may well have been situations in which the boot was on the other foot ; and in the centuries before the tenth , the centuries in which slavery was steadily declining , there is no reason to suppose that land was scarce , or that the landlords normally had the whip-hand .
23 In southern California , where only 6% of travel to work is by public transport , most users would otherwise have been passengers in cars , not drivers .
24 But these relationships may not have been partnerships in any of the senses that the word is used today .
25 The two companies are already best friends , having been partners in the initial joint submission to the Object Management Group for its request for object request broker technology , which was of course later combined with technology from Digital Equipment Corp , Hewlett-Packard Co , Hyperdesk Inc and Sun Microsystems Inc to become the Common Object Request Broker .
26 Off Ian pedalled , to arrive at the pub a few seconds before Sally , but having been companions in adversity throughout the whole way , neither was going to claim outright victory , so agreed to declare a draw .
27 As both organizations were undergoing far-reaching reforms , a tightly specified brief was not required and , in the event , it seems to have been changes in the Foreign Office structure which led to the abandonment of that part of the competition .
28 A crucial factor in this does seem to have been changes in the role of women within the family .
29 Her shoes , posture , and proportions have a strange economic significance , since they all seem to have been factors in her dismissal .
30 The choice of the village as the meeting 's location may have owed much to the symbolic value of its name , and to the fact that there are quite likely to have been lambs in the surrounding fields at the time , as there still are in May .
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