Example sentences of "have only [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Yeah see I 've only got like erm two quid on me and I need to get home tomorrow and and I wo n't have anywhere to stay cos Dan and Honey are n't going and I 'd rather stick with them and Emma and Nick and just go back to erm Nick 's house
2 In fact , Chubby has only appeared in TV on Opportunity Knocks , New Faces , Starburst and an episode of Play for Today .
3 There is provision for overtime to cope with periods of peak demand , but with demand generally static or declining during the early 1980s the need for this has only arisen during periods of particularly hot weather ( beer sales are notoriously weather sensitive ) .
4 That sum was the Bundesliga transfer record as recently as last season and has only risen to £3.3m since Mattheus Sammer left Italy for Borussia Dortmund .
5 At position M the weight of investment in security1 is zero ( i.e. ) and the investor has concentrated his investment solely in the market portfolio ( where the investor has only invested in I to the extent of the share 's capitalization compared to that of the market as a whole ) .
6 The site , near modern Kerma , has been known since the 1920s but the city underneath has only emerged over the last ten years .
7 The desire to understand the development of early Anglo-Saxon society as a specific contribution to the more general study of past human behaviour has only emerged in recent years .
8 According to Prof Friel , who left home in 1968 to work in England , self-confidence among Derry people has only emerged in the last few years .
9 One has only to return from a trip to the Continent , for example , to see what a shabby and second-rate country Britain has become .
10 The loose grouping , which has only met on two occasions , is known unofficially as HOG , the Hilton Object Group , after its inaugural meeting at the Boston Hilton last year .
11 It is a faith that believes it has only to ask in order to receive : e.g. in the cure of the leper ( Mark 1:40–5 ) .
12 Is it possible then that perhaps there were boys ' ploughing matches on all the other islands as well , and the tradition has only survived in South Ronaldsay ?
13 Another of his works is a piece on the defence of the kingdom , known today ( from its first word ) as Wyrdwriteras , which has only survived in part .
14 As pointed out by the collector and historian van Mander writing in 1604 , ‘ Whoever so desires nowadays has only to go to Prague to the greatest art patron in the world at the present time ; there he may see at the Imperial residence a remarkable number of outstanding and precious , curious , unusual , and priceless works . ’
15 If it is argued that a man has a moral duty to obey the law and that to break the law of the land is a violation of one 's duty to one 's country , then one has only to point to instances of government policy where it would clearly be immoral to obey the law of the land .
16 In retrospect , what I found fascinating at the time ( and this feeling has only increased with time and further thought ) was that all the crew just did what I would have told them had I been able to make contact with them .
17 Considerable investments have been made in equipment for DTP and publication graphics from 1989/90 to 1993/93 , but the staffing to take advantage of these systems has only increased by one half-post in the same time .
18 One has only to reflect on the enumeration of the varied properties of a state of full employment in the General Theory to realize that something is seriously wrong .
19 He is still very young and has only played for one season ( Wilko let him do a degree first , a 1st in chemisty ) .
20 He moves in with the cunningness and surety of a wild cat which so far has only played with its victims .
21 Hence the parser has only to decide on the syntactic structure that can be made from combining these different parts of speech .
22 The classic case is steel , where sterling 's fall has only compensated for the 20% fall in steel prices so far this year .
23 However , to date this exciting new technology has only adopted on a voluntary basis .
24 Cram , who has hardly set the world alight this year with just one win in four races during a campaign disrupted by inevitable calf and hamstring trouble , has only flirted with the odd 5,000m race in the past .
25 Vocational training for the actor as we know it has only existed in England for the last eighty years .
26 The British reader has only to listen to the sounds that protest makes in his own streets , to the cruel , brutal voices that bellow over loudhailers about injustice and the disadvantaged .
27 One has only to listen to the forthrightness of ‘ Surely , He hath borne our griefs ’ or the intricate virtuosic weaving of parts in ‘ And he shall purify ’ or ‘ All we like sheep ’ , to realise that this is a choir or rare quality and precision which should be dragged straight back into the recording studio to commit to posterity its undoubtedly sublime view of Handel 's great choral masterpieces , Solomon and Israel in Egypt , or the earlier but no less demanding Dixit Dominus .
28 One has only to stand on the bridge over the Trannon at Trefeglwys and look upstream to see the stable narrow river coursing elegantly between its magnificent borders of ash and sycamore , and compare this with the immediate downstream reach , which wanders amidst a waste of gravel .
29 With the Gunners fading alarmingly in their pursuit of the Championship , chairman Peter Hill-Wood has told Graham he has only to knock on his door to be handed virtually an open cheque book .
30 One has only to look across the Atlantic to Canada , where similar government policies shattered a once-successful Canadian pharmaceuticals industry .
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