Example sentences of "have [be] [vb pp] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Ah yes , well you see , you see , in effect if you called her an old , that could 've been , that , that , that , that , that , that , that could 've been eh , that could 've been eh , that could 've been , you know , you could 've been given her a , that could 've of been a praise , you old cow .
2 Well why did n't they get a mile away from where they put that money they could 've , they could 've been planned it away , a mile away all
3 Now that their thinking has been completed we must , however , expect them to make very rapid progress and be prepared to closely track their developments .
4 When the research has been evaluated and the screening survey has been completed we will be able to make even further progress in ensuring that the health service is dedicated to prevention as well as cure .
5 If a mail forwarding form ( see Fig. 6.2 ) has been completed it will be filed alphabetically .
6 When the counting has been completed it is found that Party A ( together with any actual or potential allies ) has won 52% of the seats for 48% of the votes , whilst Party B ( together with any actual or potential allies ) has won 52% of the votes but only 48% of the seats .
7 After the form has been completed it can be printed out for filing .
8 After the form has been completed it can be printed out for filing .
9 It is exceptionally difficult to make predictions about the effect of the DR-shift with any accuracy ; and it is a matter of concern to the University that even when the shift has been completed it will not be possible to say ( either at this University or , probably , at any other university ) how much is being recovered as additional direct costs .
10 When the transfer has been completed you should continue as follows :
11 When the transfer has been completed you should continue as follows :
12 Now that the work has been completed I hope the church will continue to attract pilgrims to the shrine of St Melangell , as it has for the last eight hundred years .
13 When such a plan has been lodged it will only be necessary for a buyer to search against the plot he is buying on the appropriate form for a search of part ( Form 94B ) , indicating thereon the plot or flat number " as shown on the estate development plan lodged in the Registry on the " — no plan being then necessary as would be the case if no estate plan had been lodged .
14 After an IUD has been fitted you may feel the sort of cramp-like pain that sometimes comes with a period .
15 My beautiful villa — when it has been built I shall take my holidays there , no airport delays and no traffic jams , just taking tea with my little finger up and Dorothy Wordsworth on my lap .
16 When a document has been saved it should be cleared from the screen before typing in a new document and not merely deleted ( which introduces the danger of unknowingly overwriting the file just saved ) .
17 It means the tenant farmer 's right to decide what goes off on his land has been denied him .
18 Like all areas of our business , hotelware is being examined at present and until a plan for the future has been determined we will continue to maintain our activity in hotelware .
19 However once its position has been determined it is in a totally different state , one of definite position .
20 Once a member of the clergy has been appointed he or she will visit the home to make arrangements , if they have time , which many might not .
21 Once this has been done it is relatively easy to list the relevant media for each type of activity .
22 While organization theorists have provided a considerable service by focusing our attention upon the notions of ideologies and schemas , once this has been done it is relatively easy to identify what the schemas are .
23 Once this has been done it is possible to make single-frequency readings to give quantitative concentrations of constituents of a mixture .
24 Once the tagged text has been placed it is possible to alter the tag 's definition in the stylesheet and have all the occurrences of that tag change .
25 Once land has been advertised it may be subject to much interest , and in buoyant market conditions severe competition may develop , whichever method of sale has been adopted .
26 Once the text has been analysed it can be edited and spell-checked , as required , and then exported to Word , Word for Windows , WordPerfect and WordStar word processors .
27 And my Lord a short part I wish to refer you to and that is on page a hundred and seventy nine which is er the section when the judge was dealing with er the law of duty and the judge Mr Justice said during the trial I express some concern to what evidence has been called it is not necessary to refer to lawyers professional liability by .
28 Julie says she has been assured he wo n't have to serve the full sentence .
29 Senior administrators are not above attempting to influence the shape of policy , but once the policy has been made they accept that it is their responsibility to bring about its implementation .
30 Once the change-over has been made it may be impossible to sustain the extra attractiveness .
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