Example sentences of "have [adv] the time " in BNC.

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1 Has not the time now come for us to leave the Exchange Rate Mechanism , at least until such time as German interest rates are reduced to a level compatible with the needs of the whole of the rest of Europe ?
2 Has not the time come , however , to evaluate the optimum pupil-teacher ratio for pupils at any given age , with a view to establishing it ?
3 Has not the time come for the Government to commit themselves unequivocally to legislate in the next Parliament so that those who wish to shop on Sunday and exercise their free choice to do so are enabled to do so by total deregulation of the law ?
4 Has not the time come at last — some of us have been saying this for a long time — for my right hon. Friend , or his successor , to consider seriously the alternative policy that many have advocated : administrative devolution , or short-term integration ?
5 And when the law actually penalises people who inflict punishment outside the law through sheer frustration with its inadequacies , has not the time come for judges to realise they are dealing with real-world situations and sentence accordingly ?
6 ‘ He says he has n't the time to do a good job .
7 ‘ Gosh , has n't the time gone quickly ? ’
8 I was very lucky in having both the time to spare , and all the storage space I needed , courtesy of an understanding neighbour .
9 We realise that your trainees may have neither the time nor the academic background to deal with the complexities of a new language .
10 The rejoinder must be : although we may generally have neither the time nor the inclination to look at literary language under the microscope in this way , the fact that it can be done is important , and the doing of it can not fail to sharpen observation , by making us aware of how larger effects are built up from smaller ones .
11 Moreover it is unlikely that respondents would have either the time or experience to make a thorough appraisal of the information presented in the leaflet .
12 She did n't have either the time or the inclination to hold ‘ receptions ’ — whatever they might be — but when she returned home at night , exhausted from her day in the City , she never failed to appreciate the deep sense of peaceful calm and serenity of the large , thickly carpeted room .
13 For the first time in all his journeys he found a room that was completely empty , but he had n't the time to investigate it , or any of the others he entered .
14 Berthe Weill protested that she could not leave the gallery for the moment , she had n't the time , there were all the guests to look after .
15 ‘ And I 've been stung by nettles , ’ he said , injured , and pretended not to hear Dorrainge who said it was a mistake to pamper nettle stings , and they had n't the time to soothe people 's silly imagined injuries .
16 And we just had n't the time to do both .
17 Dunlop said : ‘ I agreed to alter the gear box for Darren so it would be more suitable for Donington but I was riding in every race after the 125 and I physically just had n't the time to attend to it immediately .
18 Well we thought about one but it but we let it grow again because we just had n't the time .
19 He was mentioned in despatches , for having displayed the same casual courage his companions had remarked on before the war as he pursued his favourite pastime of mountaineering ( he had neither the time nor patience for golf and was reckoned by devotees to be only a fair-weather fisherman ) .
20 At Bletchley I had begun to satisfy , however pathetically and inadequately , a desire to see the world about me , but then had neither the time nor the money nor the opportunity for anything other than very restricted local journeys .
21 But as times became more difficult with the passing years I suppose she had neither the time nor the inclination to play music .
22 No doubt the wall was lower at some point — down at the edge of the parkland , perhaps — but she had neither the time nor the inclination to find out .
23 To be as fair to her as is possible , it can at least be said that the work which she had plagiarized on her behalf ( since she had neither the time nor the inclination to copy it herself ) was generally of good standard .
24 The truth is that Cortot had neither the time nor the inclination to polish his performances to a high degree of perfection .
25 Although he had neither the time nor the opportunity to continue with his verse drama , the subject was never far from his mind .
26 These new men showed they had neither the time nor the political inclination to instigate a programme of Whig reform ; indeed , partly reacting against the Jacobite challenge of 1715 , they introduced a number of measures designed to ensure their and the new dynasty 's political security which seemed to represent an abandonment of what Whiggery had traditionally stood for .
27 ‘ As you know , I 'm an adequate , plain cook , but I 've neither the time nor the talent to produce a coq au vin like this one : it was produced by my neighbour , Mrs Neville , who is seventy-five years old and runs a thriving emergency cooking , house-sitting and general crisis-management service for the neighbourhood . ’
28 The members simply have not the time at their disposal to take on the continuous pressure needed to effectively construct a platform for alternative or opposing views .
29 They have not the time for speech training , and are perhaps afraid to embarrass you , and by criticising your speech to add to your shyness in discussion .
30 The first is the relationship ; as we have seen , people are only prepared to talk openly to those who they feel are genuinely concerned , and who have both the time and the interest to understand .
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