Example sentences of "have [adv] [vb pp] through " in BNC.

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1 Either circumstance can have a lasting effect upon self-view and relationships , while the youngster who has not come through the " mourning " phase adequately may act in later life exactly as though a " new " parent were sought .
2 In an interferometer , light that has passed through the fluid interferes with light from the same source that has not passed through the fluid .
3 Which is hooey ; for when the thumping result is announced , the House burst into a blast of clapping , happy as a choral society that has just flown through the last tricky chorus .
4 Milton can not lift Satan to such great heights and put such great speeches in his mouth and then snatch them back denying in his authorial intrusions what he has just proclaimed through his character .
5 The Data Protection Bill , which has already gone through the House of Lords , proposes that every business computer-user who holds information on living individuals should register .
6 Sometimes a parent has suffered an illness that has caused mental change or changes in personality , and the family has already gone through much of the bereavement process beforehand .
7 The manager who does read the latest circular , the latest information pack , the latest draft of organizational requirements in the privacy of the weekend at home has already gone through the experience either of having an appetite whetted by prior knowledge or of a palate blunted by a flavour which is already old .
8 The the the treasurer has already gone through the report .
9 Prokofiev 's solemn and doom-laden funeral march finally stamps the tragedy of Romeo and Juliet because it has already echoed through each stage in the unfolding of the plot .
10 THE BOOM in colourful , vigorous Impressionist-style paintings which , with some astute promotion by auctioneers , has already rippled through the markets for the Scottish colourists , Italian , Scandinavian and Irish art , now has a chance to affect Belgian art , at Christie 's on Thursday .
11 The dust build up on the fan housing is dust which has already passed through the unit — and the disk drives !
12 What 's more , as anyone who has ever flicked through the ‘ Readers ' Wives ’ sections of porno mags will know , pseudo-whorish underwear is as ugly as hell .
13 It was a stylistic departure for Chloe but not one at odds with the image of the house or , more importantly , its feminine , peach-packaged floral fragrance familiar to every woman who has ever passed through a department store perfumery .
14 He has always gone through life doing things very much his way , courting controversy as he did so .
15 ( He has also lived through a revolution and it was hell , but he keeps quiet about that ) .
16 Theology in the last sixty years or so has naturally built upon and extended aspects of the work of its nineteenth-century predecessors ; but it has also gone through some striking changes of direction , especially from the aims and programme of Liberal Theology .
17 Only Billy Callender has also let through double figures for Palace .
18 Stable companion Boloardo faces a tougher task in the Listed Magnolia Stakes but he has also come through the winter to the complete satisfaction of his trainer .
19 But she has now gone through the barrier and that is important for her . ’
20 The European Commission has now nodded through IBM France SA 's proposed acquisition of Compagnie Generale d'Informatique SA for about $450m in IBM France bonds convertible into IBM Corp shares .
21 London Underground correctly realised that it would be better for it to make its proposals as a separate Bill , which it has done , and the Bill has now passed through the House .
22 That corrosive fear has now spread through industries and professions who once felt that if they did n't have the fabled ‘ job for life ’ , they could at least be assured of adequate warning of impending unemployment , reasonable compensation , a decent level of benefit linked to their final salary , and a realistic chance of a fresh start with another company .
23 But punters say they are no longer prepared to pay the agreed price because the value of the supercars has now crashed through the floor .
24 That settlement has now come through you 'll see the details in the papers er but we also want to have regard to the fact that the award for the and bridges has actually been reduced substantially by thousand pounds the total reduction in that area approach one point five million pounds .
25 Now , you can see that coin down there , if you look carefully , you can see it you ca n't get it , you know where it is , it has n't gone through a hole into the centre of the earth it has n't , sort of , disappeared into outer space , you know exactly where it is , the chances are you could pin point it within a few inches of where i , even if you ca n't see it you know where it is , but you ca n't get at it to you , it 's lost you know it 's geographic location , you know when it went there , you know everything about it , you only thing is you ca n't get at it !
26 I know you you were telling me you you were applying for erm to get meals on wheels , but you ha that has n't come through yet .
27 Well that has n't come through yet !
28 George Bush , at the head of the Tomahawk missiles , has consistently pushed through a policy of war against Iraq .
29 For example , loading the stomach with food or water directly has some satiating effect , but not as great as when the substance is also allowed to pass into the intestine or has previously passed through the mouth .
30 The bookshop chain has recently gone through a period of rapid expansion and now has 42 sites .
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