Example sentences of "have [adv] [be] [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 BA 's strength has long been its profitable routes across the North Atlantic .
2 Spokesman for Department of Environment Speaking personally , it has long been my view that these matters of food safety should be in the hands of a Minister of Consumer Affairs .
3 Eleanor Thorne has long been my friend .
4 It is on the Welsh border — and I am to reside there in my principality , pursuing my studies under the tutelage of my uncle Earl Rivers and the guardianship of him who has long been my chamberlain , Sir Thomas Vaughan . ’
5 It has long been my view , and I have argued consistently , that the two applications should be considered together .
6 ‘ It has long been my opinion that you , my dear Shiona , are the most contemptible individual that I have ever encountered . ’
7 Our entrepreneurial drive has long been our distinguishing trait .
8 It has long been our practice to avoid performing diagnostic dilatation and curettage in young women if possible .
9 The major line of development of the College has thus been its transformation from a teaching school attached to an equine infirmary , to a fully fledged university school in which teaching at undergraduate level and research of high standing encompass the whole range of domesticated animals , and where postgraduate courses meet the increasing demands of specialisation in such subjects as animal health , pathology and laboratory animal science .
10 In general , it has been accepted that people can take on part-time work in this way if it has not been their usual employment pattern .
11 In general , it has been accepted that people can take on part-time work in this way if it has not been their usual employment pattern .
12 In general , it has been accepted that people can take on part-time work in this way if it has not been their usual employment pattern .
13 Family Hold Back has not been my motto .
14 Unionists are also taken aback but Fermanagh-South Tyrone MP Ken Maginnis said : ‘ It has not been my personal experience that the RUC Special Branch gambles with the lives of potential IRA victims .
15 Dorigo has just been his normal consistent self .
16 His letter was probably the saddest , most pathetic six paragraphs it has ever been my misfortune to read .
17 You are without exception the rudest man it has ever been my misfortune to share a restaurant with ; and I think I can speak for all the others present when I say that . ’
18 You are the most ill-mannered , arrogant man it has ever been my misfortune to meet and if you think that I am going to obediently trot over there and start picking up that rubbish now … ’
19 You might feel a spontaneous urge to buy a particular present for a loved one and then find it has always been their secret wish .
20 But Norwich took them on and revealed a tactical superiority and strength of character to go alongside the flair that has always been their most endearing feature .
21 One of the attractions of the game has always been its diversity , and , whatever success they bring , a relentless stream of fast bowlers ultimately becomes boring .
22 Dylan 's voice has always been his greatest asset , carrying a huge range of emotions .
23 Despite his success and high earnings , Hirst 's feet have stayed firmly in the mining community which has always been his home .
24 He was not an intellectual ; he made constant use of anecdotal evidence and some of his views bordered on the banal , but one of his great strengths has always been his resolute attachment to a few simple conservative themes .
25 Dance has always been his first love and in recent years he 's been on tour six times with his own company .
26 But that has always been my way , he wrote .
27 ‘ Worst of all , being pulled up by the roots — worse for me than for j[ack] ; for Leeborough has always been my base whereas his real home has been Hillsboro [ Mrs Moore 's rented house in Headington , Oxford ] far some years now .
28 It has always been my belief that casuals were just beer-swilling animals with the intelligence of donkeys , but the letter you published was clearly written by someone who has enough intelligence to put his radically extremist views into practice and cause a lot of harm .
29 Adelaide and I were never blessed with children , but it has always been my dearest wish to have a family . ’
30 John Lennon has always been my main man .
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