Example sentences of "have [adv] [verb] it " in BNC.

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1 Heard Island , comparatively tiny , has little open ground and a smaller range of habitats ; comparative remoteness has presumably given it fewer opportunities to acquire a flora .
2 She has since packed it for other tours .
3 But the House of Lords has since made it clear that the scope of judicial review does not depend on any distinction between judicial and administrative functions but on whether the challenged decision affects the applicant 's rights or legitimate expectations and on arguments about the suitability and propriety of judicial review in the circumstances of the case .
4 The need for improved facilities for Arts and Social Studies , as an aid to the recruitment and retention of academic staff and to assist in the improvement of research activity , has caused the University to launch a review or three sites ( namely the area around the St Cross Building , the central site surrounding the Bodleian Library , and the Taylorian/Ashmolean site ) to see what scope there is for the rationalisation of existing uses and what changes can be made to make better use of them , with a view to defining a comprehensive and coherent scheme for the development of each site which has most to commend it on academic grounds .
5 A moratorium on logging was announced by the government in March 1990 , but a series of subsequent exceptions has effectively rendered it meaningless .
6 As Haar has nicely put it , the situation is akin to that of a sweepstake : a single ticket fetches much more than its mathematically calculated value , for the simple reason that the grand prize may fall to any one holder .
7 Last week 's election result , however , has obviously caused it to reconsider .
8 Give them my command to let the boy win his spurs , for if God has so ordained it , I wish the day to be his and the honour to go to him and those in whose charge I have placed him . ’
9 It might well be argued that the USM , now containing some 900 companies with a market capitalisation of less than £50m , has long outlived it usefulness .
10 The government has long made it clear that sterling would enter the Exchange Rate Mechanism during stage one of economic and monetary union which began in July ; it has now done so at the earliest appropriate time .
11 Even in rugby , the Afrikaners ' passion , the formation of a single non-racial administrative body is imminent ; the octogenarian rugby boss , Danie Craven , has long thought it a game for robust men of all races , and in 1988 angered Mr de Klerk by sending an emissary to contact , among others , the African National Congress — one of whose leaders is now working to dismantle the boycott .
12 As Representative Mo Udall has colourfully put it , ‘ It used to be that when you met a chairman in the hall you bowed low and said , hello Mr Chairman ; now when you meet a chairman in the hall he bows low . ’
13 The historian , Robert Currie , has justly described it as the ‘ architectural monument to Methodist ambitions at the beginning of the twentieth century ’ .
14 ‘ Next ’ and its ilk — the new wave of bright , white , high-tech clothing emporia — are where the shoppers are in a generation which has suddenly realized it has arrived .
15 In ( 135 ) , although make would have been possible , the writer has chosen cause , and has thus felt it to be more appropriate to represent the subject of the verb ( " raising the temperature of a compound " ) as an external condition which sets off a reaction of decomposition in compounds rather than as an agent which exerts its causative action at the same time as the reaction occurs .
16 The Association has pressed for a clear-cut answer on this issue and has not received it .
17 If the Minister has not heard it before , this is another commitment for him — 4 million people would gain .
18 But she has not handbagged it , to use Julian Critchley 's metaphor , beyond recognition .
19 Then , the gift has already been given , and God has not withdrawn it .
20 The apartheid system has historically led to the disintegration of family and kin structures , but has not replaced it with anything else .
21 ‘ If the bishop had not exercised his judgment at all , we would have compelled him : but it is objected that he has not exercised it rightly ; to this I answer that we have no authority to say how he should have decided .
22 ‘ If the bishop had not exercised his judgment at all , we would have compelled him : but it is objected that he has not exercised it rightly ; to this I answer that we have no authority to say how he should have decided .
23 I trust Cully Chatterton has not appropriated it in order to check out casino share prices . ’
24 In the latter year more stringent regulations reduced the flow , but has not ended it .
25 We praise you , O God , that the light of Christ shines amidst the darkness of our world and that the darkness has not overcome it ; and we pray that his light may shine more and more into our own lives , illuminating our minds with the knowledge of the truth and enabling us to walk in the way of holiness and love ; through the same Jesus Christ our Lord ,
26 He really scents the difficulty but thinks it too hard for discussion and so conveniently pretends that he has not seen it .
27 Ken has encouraged me to circulate this , although he has not seen it in detail .
28 Mr Gossip jumped left at his fences which mystified Henderson , who said he has not done it before .
29 His sister and both brothers have identical trust funds this million pound figure has grown to the size , just today around forty million because Prince because the Prince has not touched it in all these years .
30 ICI , in sixth place last time , has fallen to 12th : still heavily dependent on commodity chemicals , ICI 's restructuring has not made it as immune to the industry 's boom-bust cycles as it had hoped .
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