Example sentences of "have [verb] only a " in BNC.

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1 The Committee on Safety of Medicines ( personal communication ) has received only a single report of visual disorder associated with chlorambucil — namely , corneal opacity — and the manufacturers ( Wellcome ) have only a single report of optic neuritis , occurring on day 1 of chlorambucil treatment and not resolving on withdrawal .
2 Is the Minister aware that 18 schools in the Cleveland authority area were built before 1914 and that in the current financial year Cleveland has received only a quarter of its capital allocation ?
3 The village has attracted only a trickle of visitors .
4 Historically , what has come to be known as the Third World has attracted only a tiny proportion of all the foreign investment that has taken place , while the economies of many poor countries , and even some rich ones , are commonly said to be dominated by foreign capital and/or foreign firms .
5 The huge world market out there was worth $330 billion between 1989 and 1992 , but the industry has won only a small share of that business .
6 The Government has said only a full end to violence is acceptable .
7 She has made only a handful of films in the past 20 years .
8 The Muslim Brotherhood has made only a marginal impact on Jordanian life since its entry into parliament .
9 Thanks to the vagaries of international politics , Ethiopia has had only a tiny slice of this aid cake .
10 If the user has requested only a subset the user will be prompted to enter a start and end module name .
11 Formerly a private hotel , it has needed only a little work to convert it to its new use .
12 He has played only a handful of games since breaking down with back trouble in St Lucia while touring his native West Indies with England in 1990 .
13 It is just too important a match to blood a player , who upto now has played only a handful of internationals .
14 He has arrived only a short while before , but did not question the order that von Keller gave to Lt Rosen and several men of the 10th Company to remain close to the vehicle and to bring it up to the battalion by road .
15 Thanks to Peterborough 's Hospital at Home ( HAH ) system , Jessica has spent only a few days in the local district hospital .
16 This book has discussed only a few of the innovations we shall have to assess in the next five years or so .
17 Someone who has taken only an option to buy has not ‘ bought or agreed to buy . ’
18 The imagination must replace the lost steeples : the NE chapel of St Sepulchre , topped with the chapel of St Pancras , survives in its transeptal position , but the matching SE chapel of St Mary has lost its upper storey : the adjoining chapel of St Augustine to the W , and its upper chapel of St Michael , are now only crags ; the Bishop 's tower at the NW , late and ill-built , has fallen in , though some of its elevation remains ; and the SW tower of St John has left only a matrix on the W wall .
19 The solar system has travelled round the galaxy almost 20 times since it was formed , and it has described only a tiny arc of its journey during the two million years that people have been on the Earth .
20 This has changed only a little over the years , but more recently the need for some sort of central policy for the area has increased .
21 A landscape which has changed only a little since Tennyson 's birth is now , as it was then , quietly , naturally , yet profoundly charged with a sense-awakening atmosphere .
22 She 'd gone only a short way when some sixth sense brought her to a halt in the nick of time .
23 Most users would then have to wait only a couple of hours for a new telephone .
24 While the fundamentals of caddying may not have changed since Skip Daniels and Gene Sarazen strode the Prince 's links , the financial aspect has : whereas a caddie in the 1930s might have earned only a pittance for sharing an Open success , the modern-day caddie earns a healthy basic wage on the European tour , and can look forward to a percentage of the winnings .
25 There are hundreds of places for mooring boats on the Thames — and this boat may have needed only a temporary mooring .
26 I can only assume that the words were left out because an assurance ’ vigorously ’ to continue ’ fighting crime ’ would have raised only a horse laugh when offered by a Government with a record of this Government on this subject .
27 In Rome a visitor can stand in front of a Baroque church , but a few minutes later , having walked only a short distance , may have plunged back in time to Antiquity .
28 Caught off guard , in a mellow mood , away-from the pressures that the stance has been developed to shield them from , they too will admit to being disappointed and confused , not as hard-bitten as they make out , and as having found only a very inadequate solution to what seems to be an insoluble problem : how to do a good enough job .
29 Amsterdam is such a lovely and compact city that if two or three days is all you have you will be able to get around the city and all the major sights without difficulty — but you will have gained only a glimpse of all the attractions on offer .
30 Will they think that he is getting a massive discount , as he will have to pay only a small amount ?
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