Example sentences of "have [verb] is that " in BNC.

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1 what he has said is that he , it 's a matter for myself to talk to whoever I wish , and that he respects my judgement in these matters , er according to the joint statement issued Mr Reynolds briefed him on his discussions with me on that on that
2 What research has shown is that these tendencies to behave in certain ways are deeply embedded in past experiences .
3 The great change that has occurred is that retailers no longer go out into the market place and buy what is offered to them by manufacturers .
4 In a sense I suppose , er what DeKlerk 's government has demonstrated is that they are trying as it were to be impartial and not allow political considerations to influence their judgement about whether Mrs Mandela should go on trial .
5 One thing Eldorado has proved is that there is no easy formula for high ratings .
6 That sounds a lot heavier than it really is , because what our testing has proved is that you are not psychotic in any orthodox way .
7 One of the detrimental effects that Professor Taylor has observed is that managers can no longer find the time to go on external training courses .
8 The Heineken effect this research has identified is that created by a confiding trusting relationship , which accompanied by appropriate services , achieves more than any other managerial skill they could identify , to encourage elderly people to believe they could manage independent living and avoid admission to residential care .
9 My hon. Friend 's second criticism of the way in which the scheme has worked is that the £24 million budget which was set aside for the two financial years — and I emphasise two years — 1989-91 was underspent .
10 Most unintentional stalls occur , by definition , unexpectedly and usually the first obvious sign of what has happened is that the pilot is banging the stick on the rear stop with the nose still dropping — a frightening feeling .
11 ‘ What has happened is that we have been clawed back from the disastrous level of whitefish we started at to a position in line with the top end of scientific advice . ’
12 Historically , what has happened is that the rock vanguard has shifted its focus from eroticism to the psychedelic powers of horror .
13 It is not enough to assume that all that has happened is that we no longer believe in hell , and that mutes , carrying black ostrich plumes , are out of favour .
14 What has happened is that on conversion they have had a host of non-Christian friends .
15 All that has happened is that the relations of production have been turned into historicized human relations .
16 However , if what has happened is that the person has Taken the Side of the Other , then there need not have been attitude-change in the traditional sense .
17 From another point of view , what has happened is that an older Left position , whose model of an anti-commercial , genuinely ‘ popular ’ culture is ‘ folk ’ music ( regarded as a useful source primarily because of its potential for politically progressive lyric content ) , has been rewritten with an emphasis on the progressive potential of new , electrically mediated form , and its capacity to recreate community as an ‘ echo ’ of the ‘ folk ’ .
18 What has happened is that an alibi has been set up , for a wounded man " could not " have committed the murder that took place immediately afterwards some distance away .
19 However , what actually has happened is that accidents for the 16–19-age-working groups have increased , so the comparison is hardly reassuring ( Guardian 19.8.89 ) .
20 You may not credit it , but what has happened is that the story has been retold , adjusted , updated ; it has shuffled nearer .
21 What has happened is that the tax system has become less progressive , the changes having benefited those on high incomes who now surrender a smaller proportion of their earnings in the form of tax .
22 But of course what has happened is that the capital base has been eroded , and the future value of the sold asset will not accrue to the organization .
23 Although this picture looks complicated , all that has happened is that the handle plus blade have been duplicated to make the other half of the scissors .
24 All that has happened is that I met Hugo at a party and came to understand that , as well as having friend and spouse , a woman needs the excitement of a lover from time to time : a re-basing , as it were , in the physical : the reincarnation of the carnal self in a body which gets , over the years , far too controlled by spirit and mind .
25 What has happened is that something latent within us has been stirred to new life , and that scent , or whatever , has been the symbolic object for us , leading us beyond itself to a personal memory .
26 What has happened is that all of the tiresome lags in adjustment of activity to changes in monetary policy which used to worry macroeconomists have been dramatically foreshortened by the introduction of the rational expectations hypothesis .
27 And what has happened is that they have done your one extra teacher and the extra books bit and they 're finishing up effectively going into liquidation .
28 What the management has to learn is that we ca n't be mucked about . ’
29 According to a spokesman for Newbury , Berkshire-based Cognito Ltd , one of the problems that the company has faced is that the network infrastructure was in the process of being dismantled when the management buyout got the go-ahead , so that much installation work had to be duplicated .
30 One of the major problems that presentation graphics has faced is that 35mm slides cost a lot of money .
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