Example sentences of "have [verb] that it " in BNC.

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1 When an owner of property against whom an order has been made under the Act comes into this court and complains that there has been some irregularity in the proceedings , and that he is not liable to have his property taken away , it is right , I think , that his case should be entertained sympathetically and that a statute under which he is being deprived of his rights to property should be construed strictly against the local authority and favourably towards the interest of the applicant , in as much as he for the benefit of the community is undoubtedly suffering a substantial loss , which in my view must not be inflicted upon him unless it is quite clear that Parliament has intended that it shall .
2 By concession , rental income from surplus business accommodation is taxed under Sch D , Case I rather than Sch A. The Inland Revenue has commented that it normally accepts that current account and trade interest qualify for relief under s 393(8) , ICTA 1988 , as , under certain circumstances , will interest from the temporary lodgement of part of the current working capital in a bank deposit account .
3 Pope has commented that it is hard not to detect in Ælfric 's statement in Wyrdwriteras that we sceolon secan æt Gode sylfum urne ræd mid anrædum mode ( we should seek our counsel from God himself with unanimous spirit ) " an allusion to the unræd so unhappily associated with Ethelred " .
4 Kulsrud has calculated that it might be possible to increase the reaction rate by as much as 50 per cent .
5 The Deutsche Bundespost Telekom has realised that it does not need a change in the German constitution to privatise its cellular telephone business , and has decided that as it is in keen need of cash for investment , it will go ahead and do it ahead of its own privatisation .
6 On the shores of uncharted CCT requirements the Computer Co-ordination Section has realised that it had to come up with a leaner , meaner , faster name for the Section .
7 Emma Nicholson , Conservative MP for Devon West and Torridge , has lobbied that it should be , and for prison sentences of up to 10 years for culprits .
8 Although Sun has re-iterated that it wo n't be doing a 64-bit Sparc implementation itself for at least the next three years — ‘ there is no need for it yet ’ ( UX No 376 ) — the company is seeking to define the space in which some are already working — Hal Computer Systems Inc for one .
9 AIDS causing the death of the young has highlighted that it is not only the elderly who wish to make provision against an artificially prolonged end .
10 In 1950 a polled Finnish bull was imported — and more than one Irishman has claimed that it was in fact an Irish Moiled , in the firm belief that all polled Scandinavian cattle were descended from polled Irish cattle seized by raiding Norsemen and Danes .
11 The British petroleum industry has claimed that it is uneconomic to produce 97 octane lead-free fuel .
12 Nobody has claimed that it can clear the infectious organism , HIV , from a person 's system .
13 The working party has claimed that it routinely alters MRLs for food .
14 Meanwhile , a self-declared ring-leader , Paul Taylor , shouting from the roof tops , has claimed that it was all just a sit-in protest that got out of control .
15 Recent work has confined that it is not possible to measure intensity of subjective sensation in a way that is distinct from and independent of measurement of the physical stimulus from which it is derived ; that Fechner 's logarithmic transform exists only as a mathematical construction to link reports of sensations with measurements of stimuli ; and an experimental subject 's conformity to Stevens ' power law depends on his getting the experiment ‘ right ’ .
16 It merely states that the normal and primary justification of any authority has to establish that it is qualified to follow with some degree of success the principles which should govern the decisions of all authorities .
17 Sabre has stressed that it had no formal link with Clydesale Office Equipment , which has now closed down .
18 Professor Eversley has stressed that it need not be drawn very high and points to the importance of groups at the margin , who used soap to wash with and wore some cotton instead of home-spun linen : " what seems neces-sary for growth is that the very exceptional expenditures should become a little less so " .
19 Ignoring the tenure could leave Edinburgh open to a costly legal challenge , although it has stressed that it is consulting unions .
20 * The animal rights group , Lynx , has reported that it is on the verge of financial collapse because of the costs of defending a long-running libel action by a fur farm and a decline in contributions due to the recession in Britain .
21 The university enjoys a location which historically has ensured that it is an important part of the fabric of the city of Edinburgh and thus placed in Scotland 's capital that it remains an important symbol for the nation 's egalitarian spirit , its diverse cultural identity and true internationalism .
22 Monza was to be decisive for his championship , and Ken Tyrrell has written that it was Jackie 's finest race , not least because he knew he led the championship and because , having already decided to retire , he needed to do no more than the minimum , particularly since he was starting only from sixth place on the grid .
23 They are almost 20 years old and should have been replaced , but the company has accepted that it is unlikely to get government approval for new ferries until the bridge controversy has been resolved .
24 ‘ I think he was sceptical about our story but has accepted that it would be a waste of time trying to make anything out of it now . ’
25 Jacqueline de Romilly , Professor of Greek Literature at the Sorbonne , in her Messenger Lectures at Cornell University in 1967 on ‘ Time in Greek Tragedy ’ , has argued that it was no coincidence that Greek tragedy was born at the same time as historiography .
26 Luce Irigaray , for instance , has argued that it is totally reductive to define the feminine as the not-masculine in relation , say , to sexuality .
27 R. F. V. Heuston has argued that it should , saying that it can not make any difference whether the rules which identify the procedure come from common law , statute or a combination of both .
28 This chapter has argued that it is not only national population size , composition and behaviour that matter but also their changing patterns across regional and urban systems .
29 In the context of geomorphology Clayton ( 1971 ) , himself a geographer progressed to environmental sciences at the University of East Anglia , has argued that it is difficult to achieve a balanced development across the two subjects of geography and geology that it depends upon , and Worsley ( 1979 ) particularly concerned for the diminishing resources available and the imminent policy of selective resource concentration argued :
30 Benson has argued that it is artificial to abstract the different and competing interests which are found within organizations from the wider social world of conflict and dominance .
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