Example sentences of "have [verb] back [prep] " in BNC.

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31 ‘ Zambia has come back to us , ’ Jahsaxa said , dabbing the side of her mouth with a fingernail .
32 For this son of mine was dead and has come back to life ; he was lost and is found ( Luke 15:24 ) .
33 Politics has come back to life as well .
34 While undergoing an operation his heart has stopped , but he has come back to life after having been declared dead and deposited in a coffin .
35 This week our guest on Sharing Time is Erlend who is one of the survivors of the Piper Alpha disaster and is one who has come back to Orkney this last week , staying with his family here in Orkney .
36 ‘ Oh , that 'll be why Boz has come back to Wychwood .
37 ‘ Two other factors will make us a better team this season — Keith Finlay has come back to the club from North Fermanagh and that has stiffened our batting while Tony Johnson from Barbados is a superb all rounder . ’
38 Which ancestor has come back to us ? ’
39 He has come back with a bang , and the film of Jurassic Park opens in July , which will obviously help his sales .
40 She has come back with Hywel 's dinner .
41 Donovan , the folk guru who was a git in the Sixties with grooves such as ‘ Goo Goo Barabajagal ’ and ‘ Mellow Yellow ’ , has come back into vogue .
42 BBC2 's recent Rembrandt season confirms that the figure of the artist has come back into fashion .
43 That she has come back into our world again :
44 On T V last week there was a programme , tuberculosis has come back into Britain , said it was the Asians bringing it back .
45 It says , that not only does it save it 's money when it comes to when we 're putting in the tender bids , but actually the profits it makes goes back into the County Council , it has a two- prong saving of averages to this council , and we 've known and seen in the years that it 's been running that money has come back into county council balances , which means that we can have more money to spend on other services .
46 As I said God did n't leave it like that , because God did in Jesus Christ what we could never do for ourselves , you see you and I at times we felt that I , I want to be different from that and we , and we pushed against one of these pressures and so that we pushed it out a wee bit , but as we 've pushed there it 's come back in somewhere else and as we 've stopped pushing and we 've gone to another bit so that first that has become , has come back as it was and we spend our lives perhaps running around trying to get the circle back again , it 's an impossible task , we ca n't do it , we spend our whole lives in the frustration things and we , and we start blaming on things , if only that situation was different , if only those circumstances were different , but it 's far , far , far more fundamental than that and we 've got ta come to the place where we say well I ca n't do any thing about it , I 've tried my hardest , but I ca n't do it , and that 's where God comes and says hang on a minute I 'll do it for you and that 's what he did in Jesus Christ , he did for us what we could n't do for ourselves , the bible tells us that Christ is the perfect image of God , it 's in Colossians one fifteen and just er full verses further on in verse nineteen it says in him all the fullness of God , in Jesus , all the fullness of God was pleased to dwell and so in Christ God 's son , God dealt with the problem of sin which had caused that twisting and that warping and that distortion , your life and in my life , that which spoiled his image in us he created us in his image , but you 've only got to look at people today , you 've only got to look at ourselves , see , where is the image of God , is that what God is like , jealous , filled with anger , bitterness , envy , is that what God is like , unclean thinking , is that what God is like that 's not his image , but he created us in his image perfect and what Jesus Christ did on the cross , is to restore that image , that original image in you and me , to recreate us in the image of God , so in
47 Clare Wildish has come back for help feeding her second baby , 3 day old Emma .
48 Nobody else has come back from town . ’
49 Seems like somebody else has come back from somewhere too .
50 He carries only nine pounds more than in 1992 and despite being plagued by a wind problem since that success , has come back in great style after being ‘ tubed . ’
51 That is why a player like Uwe Bein has come back in , ’ Vogts said .
52 probably , a bar with nuts and raisins called raisin natural bar I 'm sorry about loo loosing the keys mum , mum tt the noise has gone the noise has come back by the way
53 It is premature , then , to say that the western has galloped back to centre screen .
54 Do n't put yourself in a situation where the treasurer has to come back to the committee to argue over every last penny .
55 And he said he 's telling him point blank that he 's , if there 's any problems with invoices or anything , you have to deal with Andrew , he has to come back to me and deal with me direct !
56 The scenario depicted is that decreased hospital stay means that older people ( or indeed patients of any age ) are being sent home with high levels of dependency ; community services/informal carers can not cope and the person has to come back into hospital .
57 The counsellor , in a variety of ways , has to feed back to counsellees the impressions they give to others , and the way they ‘ come across ’ to other people .
58 Mike Findley , regional secretary for the union , has written back to Mr Hindmarsh .
59 THE discos and snooker halls group , European Leisure , currently embroiled in a Serious Fraud Office investigation , has moved back into the black in its first half-year to 31 December .
60 FRENCH actress Isabelle Adjani , 36 , above , has moved back to Paris following the ending of her relationship with actor Daniel Day-Lewis , 34 , star of Last of the Mohicans .
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