Example sentences of "have [verb] [Wh det] the " in BNC.

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1 The Treasury Bench has heard what the hon. Gentleman said .
2 Once it has decided what the text is ‘ about ’ , it queries each apparently new or discordant topic or action , and amends its database from the writer 's response .
3 Mr Heseltine can reasonably say that he has done what the political reality required of him .
4 But the influx of outsiders with a vision of the wine they wanted to create has shown what the region can do .
5 Second , asking questions establishes whether the buyer has understood what the salesperson has said .
6 This being so , we could say that the bistable has remembered what the input states were — it has the memory whereas a simple gate has not .
7 The court approaches the question by looking at the wording of the contract and whether the expert 's work has followed what the parties had agreed .
8 I am sure that he has recorded what the hon. Gentleman said .
9 Any claim to direct acquaintance with God through immediate religious experience has to explain what the experience is experience of Ayer makes this point in discussing what he calls ‘ mysticism ’ .
10 It does not have to be that he has conceived what the French are calling the coup de force for Miss Jonathan . ’
11 However , if the microcomputer which the school has does what the school librarian and teachers desire , then the availability of other models need not be a worry .
12 He has read what the care-worn pebbles say , and he does n't like it .
13 It is assumed that research has established what the nature of child abuse is , who the actual and potential perpetrators and victims are and hence what are the associated factors which put children at ‘ high risk ’ .
14 Well , anyway , thought Julia , she could n't be worse at waiting than she was at typing , so she 'd asked what the rate of pay was .
15 It 's the members of the police committee at the end of the day that 've had endorsed what the chief constable had done , and it 's their councils that are gon na suffer .
16 The House will have heard what the hon. Gentleman said about his parliamentary neighbour .
17 That comes within the responsibility of my fellow Under-Secretary of State , my hon. Friend the Member for Eastwood ( Mr. Stewart ) , who will have heard what the hon. Gentleman said about further applications .
18 The detailed points raised by the hon. Member for Linlithgow ( Mr. Dalyell ) are matters for my right hon. Friend the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs , who will have heard what the hon. Gentleman has said .
19 I have not discussed with my hon. Friend the Parliamentary Under-Secretary whether he is pledging a £21 billion expenditure increase , but , having heard what the hon. Member for Stretford has said , I shall have a quiet word with my colleague to see whether he agrees .
20 Desperation and hunger had addled hir senses : SHe should have guessed what the score would be .
21 If every step is a fight resolved with authority then this exhausts the available resources , including the patience and goodwill of those people who will have to implement what the manager intends .
22 In such cases the court will have to estimate what the net commission would have been and award damages accordingly .
23 ‘ It was the first time I did n't have to worry what the other girls were gon na think , what anyone was gon na think and if I do n't like what happens I can cut it out …
24 Now , the other thing that I mentioned yesterday , or we mentioned yesterday , was that local radio is opportunity for practice in various ways , and most local radio in most forms , and we will have to know what the local knowledge is here , do welcome people who are sufficiently interested to contribute stories , information , angles for their programmes .
25 It was such a freak open accident that no amount of preparation or legislation could have prevented what the boy did on that particular occasion .
26 This rumour may have done what the poll tax did in 1381 , set fire to a potentially explosive situation , indeed one which had already shown signs of bursting into flame .
27 If they 'd told the Blakeys a week ago the Blakeys would have said what the clergyman had said : that Stephen 's father could not have been responsible .
28 In order to compensate for this , farmers are having to do what the Dockertys have done — diversify .
29 I tell you , if I 'd have know what the content of the training was gon na be , I would 've arranged for our twelve crime prevention officers to go across there and listen to it , because there was a locksmith there that gave a lot of sound advice in relation to security of homes as well cars that really was good basic grounding for a crime prevention officer .
30 So having , having found what the er the purpose of the exercise is , what , what the job is , that we 're trying to do , we need to beef up the detail a a and start to define requirements .
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