Example sentences of "have [verb] [adv prt] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I 've been told you 're unhurt , but I see you 've picked up plenty of gore .
2 Eh now then listen to this , yesterday I 'd er some beefburgers had er must 've dropped out me box when I were getting me things out of the c freezer and there were this er six beefburgers and two ch chicken breasts
3 Should 've sorted out I mean I ca n't go up , I ca n't go up and give him any more help cos I 'm working tonight and tomorrow night .
4 Hoffa is played by Jack Nicholson , an actor who , like Brando and Hoffman , has boiled down his performances to mannerism and make-up but carries the part nonetheless .
5 As Johnson-Laird has pointed out we customarily understand and use words in context whose meanings we do not know in any exact sense :
6 As his biographer has pointed out it was to be a long time ‘ before he had an equal in the study of archaeology on a scientific basis or as an illustrator of archaeological relics ’ ( Jessup 1975 , p. 109 ) .
7 JUST A sample of the full frontal lobe assault that Japan has hidden up its kimono .
8 And why is it whenever you choose to roll out the seventy foot or more of polythene , which has humped up your overdraft considerably , a perfect tranquil morning is spoilt by a freak hurricane , sheet with a dozen or more pairs of hands held fast disappears over Stickford way and at that moment , more people drive up the Bank than would normally pass in a week .
9 A daughter who has given up her career will undoubtedly feel the loss of her previous role in the working world .
10 Spokesman Peter Titterton cheekily suggested that Princess Di should drive one now she has given up her Mercedes .
11 Cindy Gallop has given up her career in theatre marketing and gone into advertising .
12 Despite Saddam 's co-operation on the nuclear issue , there is no sign that Iraq has given up its policy of testing the West 's determination to enforce the UN 's ceasefire terms .
13 It reigned almost without limit in primitive times when property was still very scanty , and it already shows itself in the nursery almost before property has given up its primal , anal form … .
14 The best way of preventing scale , however , is to replace the cylinder with an indirect one where the same water is circulated round and round the ‘ primary ’ circuit ( the one which passes through the boiler ) which , once it has given up its chemical salts , is in effect softened so that no more will be deposited .
15 Plaatjes , who has given up his South African citizenship but can not compete for the United States until he has completed his five-year residential period next year , is the second-fastest man in the race behind Yakov Tolstikov , but his recent form is better than that of the Siberian runner .
16 He has a pregnant wife yet has given up his job as a physio because it started to interfere with his rugby preparation .
17 In the fourth chronicle , out this month , The Tale Of The Body Thief ( Chatto & Windus £14.99 ) , our old fanged-friend , Lestat , has given up his previous rock star persona and yearns again for human life .
18 Viv Richards has given up his lifelong pledge not to set foot in South Africa .
19 The themes centred around the lone legionnaire who has given up his past for the Legion , yet still longs for his former life and forgotten loves , his home and his happiness .
20 If anybody has given up his right to vote , in the misguided intention of not paying his taxes , he will get no sympathy from the public — and more fool he , for listening to the Labour Members of Parliament who urged people not to pay their community charge .
21 A milkman who was temporarily blinded when superglue was squirted into his eyes , has given up his job .
22 A milkman who was temporarily blinded when superglue was squirted into his eyes , has given up his job .
23 Hale justified the marital rape exemption in the following terms : ‘ The husband can not be guilty of rape committed by himself upon his lawful wife , for by their mutual matrimonial consent and contract the wife has given up herself in this kind unto her husband , which she can not retract . ’
24 And more recently Waugh has lifted up his senile slobber against Mr. Eliot .
25 There is every possibility that he has mixed up his candidates for unity and division .
26 And now that Provincial has sorted out its rag-bag inheritance into clear service-groups , it too can show great steps forward in many areas .
27 Once Cube has sorted out his Street Knowledge label , you make records that are comparable too , if not as mighty , as the boss ' own .
28 ‘ She may do so , she has to work out her own salvation now .
29 The retailer has to work out what the ideal stock level will be , and try to keep numbers very close to that .
30 In marriage , every couple has to work out their own rules .
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