Example sentences of "have [verb] [adv] used " in BNC.

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1 Everyone has got so used to safe , tidy music .
2 The term informal sector has become widely used .
3 This class of drugs has become widely used in treating high blood pressure and congestive heart failure .
4 They had grown so used to her not joining in that they had not really noticed that she had stayed up there when they came down .
5 Some of their comments , it 's like the untutored eye , they pick out things that surprise you because you 've got so used to a particular manner of approaching images , that you forget that there are other ways of doing it .
6 I had got so used to the straight criss-crossing North-South , East-West roads of most American cities that I would have to acquire a taste for the more complex and possibly much more fascinating spread of London lanes .
7 It was an appreciative whistle and one that Rachel recognised , for since she 'd been working with five thousand men she had become well used to whistles of that nature .
8 Irina decorated her conversation with the swear words to which he had become more used .
9 Since its first revolutionary impact , he had become more used to the experience .
10 In the days since her visit to me , her mind had become so used to the idea of walking in the vicinity of birds that it had seemed quite a natural thing to do .
11 We have got so used to untold wrath and destruction , but now God again brings water gushing from the rock , and the people are saved .
12 Optical scanning devices have become increasingly used for data capture either via some sort of bar coding system such as is commonly found at library issue desks , or by means of equipment able to read pencil markings at specified positions on a sheet of paper ( ‘ mark sensing ’ ) .
13 There are probably many situations where you as a manager have become so used to a task or a situation that it is no longer easy to bring to it a vigorous or fresh approach .
14 We have become so used to thinking of Günter Wand as a conductor who specialises exclusively in the late 18th and 19th Century symphonic repertoire that it comes as something of a shock to find him performing a wide variety of works of more contemporary lineage .
15 We have become so used to spiteful obituaries that it was pleasant to find some kind thoughts about a dead writer .
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