Example sentences of "have [verb] [pron] [modal v] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I should 've guessed she could n't keep a secret .
2 As soon as our financial situation has eased we 'll certainly employ someone .
3 In the area of booking contracts a form of damages has developed which may enable the guest to obtain more than the value of the contract .
4 I am running a 1986 V8 County 90 which at 25,000 miles has no more than normal backlash in the transmission line , yet a most irritating noise has developed which can only be described as a clunk that occurs whenever I apply or lift off the throttle in any gear .
5 Once your program has STOPped you can investigate the values of the variables to find out why things happened the way they did .
6 In communications , too , the Soviet Union has realised it must modernise or die , whatever the risk .
7 Anyone who has heard it will declare that this is but of a piece with all the rest ! ’
8 Clinton has to promise he will create jobs , even though he is firing thousands of civil servants and military personnel .
9 Once their condition has stabilised they may have to face a whole range of issues : new restrictions ; new sensations ; new embarrassments ; new lifestyles .
10 The earth upon which God has placed us should be for us a special trust from one generation to another .
11 Once a vendor has consulted he may find himself under moral pressure from his employees to complete as soon as possible and hopefully re-establish certainty for them over their future .
12 Jaguar insiders say the company bosses — all 14 of them — are so enthusiastic about the car that every one of them has claimed he 'd spend his own money to buy one if it goes into production .
13 With the funding John Makepeace has attracted he should have no difficulty finding the students .
14 Now Christmas has come we can really get down to it . ’
15 The Secretary of State may only exercise his power under section 61(1) of the Act of 1967 to release on licence a prisoner serving a life sentence if : ( a ) the Parole Board has recommended he should do so ; and ( b ) he has consulted with the Lord Chief Justice and the trial judge if available .
16 As for the poll I think Gav is just a little bit biased in his choice of Cuntona , as im sure anyone who has seen him will confirm Gavs evening job is actually as a Cuntona look a like you know posing for pictures for the Sun with an easel and tweeds .
17 Erm this year the parish has said they 'll pay for it and any contributions will be gratefully received and I think it was three pound last year .
18 They have been bitterly attacked by Beijing , which has said they must be dropped before talks can resume on the political future of the colony .
19 It should be made clear that if anyone does not understand what someone has said they should always ask , and that this is meeting time well spent .
20 VW has yet to finalise specification and prices for the Polos , but it has said they will cost much the same as the models they replace .
21 ‘ No one has said you ca n't go … yet . ’
22 And they 've taken the free kick quickly and tried to take full advantage of the situation and the referee has said you ca n't do that .
23 When we got outside I said to Shanti , ‘ That nice man has said you can be our little girl for ever . ’
24 However , the USA has said it may back the lifting of the UN embargo if the Serbs do n't sign a peace agreement soon .
25 She wrote , with an unaccustomed fluency , which made her sister wonder if the words had been thought up by her alone , that : — it would not be good for Oreste to leave here at this moment since he has been ill and though he is making a good recovery the doctor who you can be sure I was quick to call and no expense being spared but your money put to good use has said it would injure his general well-being to travel in his weakened state .
26 The US trade representative has said it would be like writing a cheque for $17,000 payable over ten years for every family of four in the world .
27 Austria — which , though not yet an EC member , has applied ‘ emergency brakes ’ on imports of eastern cement , fertilisers and tractors — has said it would be wrong for Austrian firms , having invested in environmental safeguards , to go bust because of competition from East European rivals who have not .
28 Sour note economic recession has said it would produce only 4.2 million tonnes of sugar this year , one of the lowest harvests in recent history .
29 The Scottish Office has said it would not allow schools with low rolls to opt out , but the parents claim they have enough schools ready to join in a rolling campaign of ballots which would delay closures by two years .
30 Takare Plc , which owns two homes in Suffolk , has said it can no longer guarantee its ‘ bed for life ’ pledge to residents .
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