Example sentences of "have [noun] [not/n't] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 overlap : class A and class B have members in common but each has members not found in the other
2 All too often the preparation and enjoyment of food is considered to be a mysterious art ; but when has understanding not enriched an event ?
3 In any given category or group , some individuals will have competences not shared by others .
4 Civil Service have conceded fewer goals than any other team in the division , and had Howell not taken the decision to stand down from the top flight , he could have been elevated to the Scottish senior international training squad this summer .
5 The delay in publication of the original book would probably have been much longer had Medvedev not given the manuscript to Andrei Sakharov to read in October 1988 .
6 Or would have been had Gemma not insisted on remaining in the very centre of so much decay and corruption and " horridness ' , in Frizingley .
7 In extreme cases , unjustified delay can render a dismissal unfair even in a case where a similar penalty would have been legitimate had management not dragged its feet .
8 Already , the Smith camp has made the right noises — about reform of the trade union block vote , about an openness to electoral reform , and about a wide-ranging policy review — that might not have happened had Gould not intervened .
9 I think Mr misunderstood Chairman with respect that , that is n't what I was saying at all , what I was saying was had Mr not made his statement , this was the one that hopefully we would all of accepted .
10 This exile might have been permanent had Swegen not died in February 1014. Æthelred was invited back , and wasted little time in expelling Cnut and his army from their Lincolnshire base .
11 Why had Parr not gone back to England ?
12 The four-fold hike in oil prices in 1973 would have devastated the world economy had inflation not come to the rescue of western consumers by reducing the real burden of dearer oil .
13 For post-designation companies , about two-thirds would not have been in the zones had designation not taken place .
14 In fact , the water of the canal was not particularly deep and , had Daniel not panicked , he might even have been able to save himself .
15 It might perhaps have done so had Franco not delayed his assault in order to make a detour eastwards to Toledo .
16 There is evidence that this tactic had some effect in marginal seats and , indeed , made the overall result far better for Labour than it would have been had people not voted tactically .
17 When he read the remarks in the first edition , the Lord of the Isles wrote angrily to Boswell ; a duel might have been fought had Boswell not agreed to edit out offending passages next time around .
18 Had Jamie not warned her from the beginning that he was dangerous , and that he wanted Swift Investments to further his massive ambitions , she would have responded to his sex appeal , his hard good looks , his cool , clever wit .
19 Of course , had Helmut not left for Zurich but stayed at Park Terrace , and had the situation between the three of us then become something of a tussle , I might have lacked the courage finally to pack up and return to Paris with Jean-Claude .
20 He might have wooed Alice away from Alfred Wittisham had Araminta not stolen his heart .
21 At least , in the circumstances of this play , things certainly would n't have been any better had Marco not acted in this way , and they may have been worse .
22 Had Jean-Claude not known the way we should undoubtedly have got lost .
23 Bowran worked with Thorpe for a year , but would probably have stayed longer had Thorpe not moved into the direction of T.V. commercials .
24 The chair would have fallen to the floor had Laura not reached out to catch it .
25 Why had Paxton not come to find the source of the scream ?
26 Had Norwich not defeated Notts County in the fifth round that afternoon , it could well have been Mr Stringer 's first and last address to the nation 's footballing public .
27 It is difficult to believe that the submission , valuable for the record and indeed used by Baldwin in his House of Commons speech the following afternoon , would have been sent had Baldwin not satisfied himself the night before what the answer would be .
28 Why had John not taken the cross ?
29 The stale-mate might have continued had Louise not needed to go to Rome to look at apartments and make arrangements .
30 Had Alice not warned of men who took advantage if a maid was compliant ?
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