Example sentences of "have [noun] [prep] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 ( The Teaching Award in Queensland has scales of salaries based on qualifications and experience .
2 For example , the natural arrangement of the chemical elements in Mendeleyev 's periodic table has groups of traits reappearing cyclically .
3 It already has support from companies such as Nestlé Foodservice , Kraft General Food Service , and Lyons Tetley .
4 Bristol has plans for roads and great civic works which we should interest ourselves in …
5 It has plans for others , such as AppleTalk , in the near future .
6 Pinnacle also has plans for clones of Sun 's superscalar server range when that comes on stream towards the end of this year and the beginning of next .
7 Alison , on the other hand , has expertise in audits and in specific accountancy and tax areas .
8 RSRE has vacancies for graduates and professionals in a number of expanding programmes involving the following key technology areas : Digital electronics , Communications systems , Radar and Electro-optical Sensors , Microwave circuits , Real-Time Signal Processing , Software Engineering , Modelling and Simulation , and System Engineering .
9 Pat has been involved with sport all her life , is qualified to coach Lawn Tennis and Badminton and has experience of sports administration at competitive and recreational levels .
10 Anyone who has responsibility for subordinates should , ideally , have a major say in creating the job descriptions of their employees .
11 The Department of Education and Science has responsibility for universities in Scotland and Wales as well as England ( responsibility was transferred from the Treasury in 1964 ) .
12 The average fishkeeper has 150W of heaters , 14W of lighting and 12W of pumps which totals 176W , costing 1.14p per hour .
13 Business Monitor : London agency has £3m for minnows
14 Although Brixton has £180m of borrowings , all but a small proportion of this is borrowed at fixed rates so it does not suffer from higher interest rates .
15 For instance , if yours is a worldwide practice , and the person leaving has contacts with clients in many countries , it may be reasonable for the clause to extend throughout the world .
17 Nomad is advertising in the Rough Guides and has lists of books available on a wide range of countries for its mail order business .
18 It has tappings at stages 396/397 , 662/663 , 1194/1195 , 17261727 , 2790/2791 , and 3328/3329 .
19 Second , the index has entries for names and places but none for subjects .
20 ( 1 ) the first post will be based in the Academic Division and will involve in part assisting the Senior Assistant Registrar ( Miss C.L. Lee ) who currently has oversight of arrangements for academic audit , quality assessment and related matters , particularly with the preparation of statistical material and the organisation of visits .
21 The APU has data on difficulties in written tests within live 20 per cent attainment bands .
22 Some large issues were made in the 1980s and turnover of eurosterling bonds has increased as has turnover of eurobonds in general .
23 One of the village pubs , the Cherry Tree still has mementos of festivities at the well ; including a vial of well water mixed with river-water from the Ganges brought over for centenary celebrations in 1964 .
24 DNA has effects upon bodies , upon eye colour , hair crinkliness , strength of aggressive behaviour and thousands of other attributes , all of which are called phenotypic effects .
25 Every human being has duties to others which he must accept .
27 A study of this kind has relevance for attempts to provide new forms of living environments for other client groups .
28 This issue has articles on grants from SOED ( page 1 ) and on ethics ( page 3 ) .
29 In Gabon , the prosimian Euoticus elegantulus , by contrast , has gums from trees and lianes making up 75% of food intake .
30 The D structures are closed-boundary squares in generations that are powers of 2 , hence has minima at generations that are powers of 2 .
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