Example sentences of "in each [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 A light sampling approach is employed with the result that only a few students , in each of a representative sample of schools , are required to complete tests .
2 Multiple aptitude batteries are able to provide a measure of the individual 's standing in each of a number of traits , producing a profile on which job decisions can be made .
3 In each of the three ballets discussed movements are not merely coloured by natural emotional expression but often by conventional and occupational gesture , which appear to spring from each dancer 's physical and mental reactions to each situation as it arises .
4 However , the conference overwhelmingly rejected attempts from the left to commit the party to a major extension of public ownership , and to take control of at least one leading company in each of the main manufacturing sectors .
5 Real have won the championship in each of the last four seasons , so that is almost taken for granted ; his job is to win the European Cup , which the club last lifted in 1966 .
6 It will have headquarters in Honduras , with a liaison office in each of the five Central American capitals and 31 ‘ verification centres . ’
7 Mr Nicol said that in each of the three cases the restriction of access to the public conflicted with the principle of openness which applied to all legal proceedings .
8 Yates was also tested in each of the next five days of the Tour of Belgium as standings leader and each time tested negative .
9 As a human variant on such running — or lumbering — gags , there is Wally , a farcically uncooperative caretaker who puts in a regulation grumpy appearance in each of the play 's four scenes in order to enunciate his catchphrase , ‘ Nothing to do with me ’ .
10 It had had new borrowings or rights issues in each of the last five years and ‘ this pattern appears set to continue ’ .
11 Their hospitality would doubtless have extended to me sampling the food in each of the three messes — but not wanting to risk either myself or the computer 's Carafe programme developing hiccups , I enjoyed visiting each mess and settled for eating in the Sergeant 's Mess .
12 Perhaps the manifest intrinsic contusions which surface in each of the foregoing theories are enough to write them oft , and to show how the same/different metaphysic is nothing more than a potently confused , highly discriminating mixed metaphor .
13 In each of the bases a guard goes on duty .
14 ‘ We 've discussed the idea of continental championships in each of the disciplines and bringing the best skiers together for a Masters final late in the season .
15 It dwarfs the 1.4m tonnes the UN called for , on average , in each of the three years 1987–89 .
16 Some 97% of the equity-related bond issues were by Japanese companies ; the market reached a peak of $28 billion in the second quarter , easing back to $16 billion in each of the third and fourth .
17 Frankie knew every gilded swirl and cherub , every plaster rose , every painted bulb in each of the hanging light-fittings .
18 Cut a tongue in each of the faces to be joined so that they interlock neatly , bind the joint with raffia and cover with grafting wax or bituminous tree paint .
19 It must be said that Cardus 's review expressed the reservation that there was , perhaps , some sameness of carriage and accent in each of the three performances , whether it was the First Symphony , the Seventh , or the Apollonian Fourth ( a reading Karajan later modified ) ; but his review characteristically paints a picture , sets the scene for the absent reader :
20 In each of the two Ranges of the New Forest there is a Head Keeper , with six beat keepers under him , who take censuses of the deer , cull them in due season , guard against poachers and check pests .
21 Pipe has achieved ever-increasing tallies in each of the 14 years since he took out a licence .
22 Three places are up for grabs in each of the individual kayak , Canadian singles and women 's kayak singles classes .
23 N. Molloy , in 1941 , and its own resident tutors in each of the following two years : Miss Jolliffe in 1942 and Miss Savage in 1943 .
24 The first of these , under the title ‘ In Search of Democracy ’ , ran in the autumn term 1956 for seventeen apprentices with the Marconi Company in Chelmsford , and the experiment was repeated on a regular basis thereafter , usually with one course in each of the autumn and spring terms .
25 By the lights of the Barclay Report ( 1982 ) the CMHTs comprised variations on an interesting model of how to achieve ‘ community social work ’ : they mixed casework , group work and the mobilization of community resources with social care planning activities , but the precise mix varied in each of the teams .
26 They are summarized in Table 1 with examples given of the types of outputs to be expected in each of the categories .
27 Such a network , says the DoE , should be involved in data collection with a team of senior inspectors in each of the member countries .
28 With 800–900 of Switzerland 's 2300 professors due to retire before the end of the decade , the Swiss have taken a leaf out of Britain 's book and set up a scheme for appointing ‘ new blood ’ assistant professors at the rate of 300 in each of the next two four-year planning periods .
29 In each of the seven categories the rational and political model indicators provide a framework for analysing the budgetary approach that is being used in a particular school .
30 The cash increases in each of the three years up to 1992–93 have been the biggest ever .
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