Example sentences of "in their [noun] which " in BNC.

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1 Only aerial defence depicted in the film was the efforts of two Air Corps pilots , George Welch and Kenneth Taylor , in their P–40s which had been parked at the auxiliary field at Haleiwa and not received any attention from the Japanese .
2 Now the letter presents them with a view of God at work in their church which was mind-stretching .
3 Certain people , perhaps because they were friendly with one doctor but held a higher opinion of the professional ability of the other , took to carrying cards in their pockets which gave the relevant instructions in case they should find themselves too far gone to claim the doctor they wanted .
4 It used to be the case that games written for an 8086 processor were unplayable on a 286 machine , so developers included special code in their programs which would slow the game down to make sure that , as far as possible , the game played at the same speed on every class of machine .
5 Approaches were made to lenders with a view to agreeing improvements in their procedures which would reduce the liabilities of the Compensation and Indemnity Funds .
6 Ashton and MacMillan adopt the same practice in their ballets which can be called classical in the court meaning of the term and whenever the music used is composed according to the formulae for classical composition .
7 They are not active hunters and live largely on molluscs and crustaceans which they grub up from the sea floor and crush in their mouths which open on the underside .
8 I have a general word of thanks to members of the Labour and Liberal Democrat parties who have given me their support and , through them , to the various councils in their areas which have also expressed support for the Bill .
9 Plaintiffs must make available to the defence all documents in their possession which are relevant to the matters in dispute — and sometimes there will be found , amongst office memoranda and other internal documents , material which goes to justify the original allegation .
10 Neither partner could fail to be aware of the interest in their company which , more than once , threatened to result in a book chronicling their success , especially as Laura had just finished working on the first Laura Ashley Book of Home Decorating .
11 They have discovered that in the period when most deaths occur between two and four months 80–90pc of babies produce a sticky substance in their saliva which makes it easier for bacteria to stick to the nose and throat .
12 Many clients can become frustrated by this fact , believing that there must be some very significant detail in their past which has caused them to become anxious or stressed currently .
13 They radiated a fierce interest in their work which was at odds with their taciturn manner .
14 Indeed , they have a psychological mechanism in their brains which impels them to follow the first large moving thing they see after they emerge from their shells , even if it is not their mother .
15 Female visitors were cheap , a point in their favour which continued to be emphasised as late as 1920 , when the Local Government Board considered the possibility of using them to inspect the homes of widows drawing poor relief .
16 Their fight , however , also serves to bring them closer to each other , each filling a void in their lives which they had not previously acknowledged as such .
17 If development ceases , the pupils will not benefit as much as they should at a time in their education which will never be repeated and one which therefore could never be made up .
18 It is now however several weeks since the declaration of war and your buglers are still lamentably unproficient in their instruments which disturb my household throughout each day but particularly at 6 am every morning .
19 In an attempt to deter the caterpillars , the oaks produce distasteful chemicals called tannins in their leaves which make them less palatable .
20 These hook gliders also have a small hole in their base which is positioned below the track from which a separate lining can be hung .
21 The attraction of this approach is that most up-to-date and enlightened LEA centres , WEA branches and extra-mural departments can be relied upon to include some kind of women 's studies in their provision which is different in kind from domestic education and men 's education .
22 These orders of marine creatures have evolved feeding techniques which rely upon their food coming to them , either by strong water movement or by farming microscopic algae in their tissues which can harness the radiant energy of the sun to manufacture nutrients by photosynthesis .
23 Thus , mammals have cilia in their lungs which remove dust , and mussels have cilia on their gills which shift a stream of mucilage which in turn traps nutritious detritus .
24 There is a sickness in their hearts which Allah has increased , and they shall be sternly punished for their hypocrisy . ’
25 Otto quite deliberately followed the policy of increasing the estates of the Church , and of granting ‘ immunities ’ — that is , of granting to bishops and abbots rights of jurisdiction in their lands which had formerly been vested in the royal prerogative .
26 There is a steady current of physicality in their play which sometimes spills over into outright violence .
27 Even earthworms have light-sensitive cells in their skin which tell them whether it is light or dark .
28 All amphibians have mucous glands in their skin which produce a slime that helps to keep it moist and some of these in the firebelly 's skin produce a bitter-tasting poison .
29 Be a bit wary of companies making wonderful promises in their ads which they do n't look capable of fulfiling .
30 It was the discovery by Dr Alice Stewart , for example , that the radiation from hospital X-rays given to pregnant women could increase the risk of leukaemia in their babies which contributed to severe limits being placed on their usage .
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