Example sentences of "in the old world " in BNC.

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1 Although this technique has a long ancestry in the Old World it was unknown in the Americas until the Spanish conquest in the sixteenth century .
2 In addition to these buildings , the main exhibits in the outdoor museum consist of an original National Schoolhouse , a Presbyterian Meeting House , Blacksmith 's Forge and Weaver 's Cottage in the Old World side of the Park and a Log Cabin , Pennsylvania Farmhouse and Log Barn in the New World area .
3 In the Old World they have a counterpart in the form of the strange , scaly anteaters , the pangolins .
4 In the Old World , the Omomyidae were highly successful , crowding out the two other families , who were only able to make a living by becoming nocturnal .
5 The Elves that live here are a strange , fey breed with more kinship to the Wood Elves of Athel Lothern in the Old World than many in Ulthuan .
6 In the Old World the war dragged on .
7 Additionally there were protests from the Elf colonies in the Old World who saw the departure of the armies as a betrayal .
8 Caradryel told them that if the Elves in the Old World required the protection of the armies of Ulthuan then they should return to the island continent .
9 Many Elves did return but others , such as those in Athel Loren , refused to abandon their adopted homeland and stayed on in the Old World .
10 In the old world the race of Man had risen from savagery to being the dominant civilisation in two short millennia .
11 The Elves were content to have powerful allies in the Old World .
12 The Elves land in the Old World .
13 Teclis leaves with Finreir and Yrtle to join Magnus the Pious in the fight against Chaos in the Old World
14 The Elves knew that they could barely spare a single warrior from their forces and yet they knew that if mankind failed then the forces of Chaos in the Old World would be free to aid the Dark Elves .
15 In the Old World , Teclis and his companions arrived at the court of Magnus the Pious , where Teclis 's wise advice and mighty sorcery soon made him an invaluable councillor .
16 Orcs exist more or less everywhere in the Old World , in the lands to the east , and in the far north western realm of Naggaroth beyond the Sea of Chaos .
17 There is nowhere in the Old World where the threat of marauding greenskins is completely unknown .
18 This greatly increased the size of Azhag 's army , for there are more Night Goblin tribes living in and around Red Eye Mountain than anywhere else in the Old World .
19 Grom leads his armies to the sea where he builds a huge fleet and sails into the west , never to be seen again in the Old World .
20 They first appeared in the Old World during Sigmar 's time , when a whole band crossed the Worlds Edge Mountains and conquered the other Orcs that lived in the hills to the northwest of Stirland .
21 The stomach of a Troll contains some of the most powerful acids known in the Old World , and its digestive juices are highly valued by alchemists and wizards .
22 The Grey Mountains divide the Empire from Bretonnia , the other great realm of Men in the Old World .
23 Taken as a single body of water , between its source and where its waters reach the sea at Marienburg as the Reik , this is the longest and most substantial river system in the Old World .
24 The Reik is actually the longest single river in the Old World , although only because it bears its name from its source in the Upper Reik to where it joins the sea at Marienburg .
25 The Reik finally reaches the sea at Marienburg , the largest and wealthiest trading port and most populous city in the old World .
26 Altdorf is renowned as a seat of learning , and the University of Altdorf is the most highly respected academic institution in the Empire , where lords and princes from many lands come to sit at the feet of the foremost thinkers in the Old World .
27 The Empire is home to some of the most innovative and technically able minds in the Old World .
28 The Emperor Karl Franz is said to be the greatest statesman in the Old World .
29 As such he has often led the army into battle , and is one of the most experienced generals in the Old World .
30 Archaeology and history combine to show that jade was rated more highly than gold among some of the most sophisticated and highly civilized peoples of antiquity both in the Old World and the New.l To understand the appeal of jade it is essential to handle the material itself .
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