Example sentences of "in the [adj -est] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Artefacts were manufactured in the finest of the United Kingdom workshops and factories of the era , and the Twining Model Co. was chosen to assist the manufacturers where necessary .
2 This large number would still provide just one per volost' in the largest of all countries .
3 The first is that three nuns from the same order work in the largest of the villages , Kormakiti , and so we provide a useful link .
4 It contained the smiling faces of the respective captains , Ireland 's Phil Danaher and New Zealand 's Sean Fitzpatrick , with the question ‘ Whose Irish eyes will be smiling after today 's test ? ’ posed in the largest of poster type .
5 This will undoubtedly stretch existing laboratory resources , despite an expansion in the largest of the biology teaching laboratories due for completion before the beginning of session 1992–93 .
6 A string quintet played in the largest of the reception rooms , and guests spilled out into the garden in between light showers .
7 And earlier , in the noblest of all defences of the freedom of the press , Milton had protested :
8 I suppose we 've been rivals in the past , when I had my column on the Daily Mail and he had his on the Daily Express , but we 've been rivals in the friendliest of terms .
9 Pentium is five times as fast as the Intel 486 chip found in the swiftest of today 's desktop PCs .
10 When comedy work has been thin on the ground , Allen has carved out a healthy career as a straight actor , popping up in the unlikeliest of places : as a minion of fictitious Prime Minister Harry Perkins in A Very British Coup , as an impeccably sleazy reporter in Scandal and most recently as permarandy Rex , the dyspeptic boss of Lyne Electronics in the BBC 's Making Out .
11 He lived in beautiful houses , travelled the world in the greatest of comfort , and wanted for nothing .
12 In the greatest of the Enlightenment philosophers ( notably Immanuel Kant , 1724–1804 ) the individual is seen as possessing ultimate worth and dignity .
13 Charlie was n't in the greatest of moods today .
14 You addressed a visible problem but bear in mind that awful things can happen in the clearest of ponds if you do not use a test kit on a regular basis .
15 Provided the springboard doctrine is sensibly applied and injunctions granted only in the clearest of cases so that the recipient of the information is not effectively placed in a worse position than if he had not received it , the interests of both the supplier of the information and the recipient can be satisfied .
16 In the light of this fact it seems possible to suggest that those authors who subscribe to the former view do so because in later times it would have been only in the rarest of circumstances that one would have held the kadilik after the kazaskerlik .
17 Mike said : ‘ I was n't told in the nicest of manners .
18 He appeared before his peers on Monday in the darkest of clerical grey .
19 The Lord of the Rings is quite clearly , then , a story of virtuous pagans in the darkest of dark pasts , before all but the faintest premonitions of dawn and revelation .
20 With a shriek of delight she threw herself at Maggie , enveloping her in the warmest of embraces .
21 At a lecture in Nairobi given by Dr Esmond Bradley Martin , the world 's foremost authority on the rhino-horn trade , she heard him spell out in the starkest of terms why the rhino was on the slide .
22 The little booklet , which is turning up in the oddest of places , tells us for instance that ‘ Butter is a natural product — alternatives are different . ’
23 It seemed to Frankie that he had been up there , locked in the smallest of the attic rooms , for a long time .
24 Making patterns with plants is possible even in the smallest of gardens .
25 They came for glory and found themselves huddled together in the smallest of Whalley Range bedsits .
26 The band played going-home music ; the charity women said profuse thanks to Ayling who had been ‘ so wonderful ’ ; and the handful of people who were to stay overnight slumped in the smallest of the sitting rooms .
27 Besides the planning element of opening up views and vistas — even in the smallest of gardens — and dividing up available space with walls and hedges , pergolas and arches , the book has plenty of ideas on which plants to choose for planting on given colour themes .
28 Both should vary , it argued , according to the size of authority , with the flat rate ranging from 1,500 p.a. in the smallest to 4,000 p.a. in the largest authorities ( Widdicombe , 1986 , para. 6.113 ) .
29 Notice how the platoon he is inspecting has been ‘ sized ’ with the tallest men on the smallest in the smallest in the middle .
30 It seemed incongruous to them that the sweet teenager they knew was not only surviving life in the toughest of all trades .
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