Example sentences of "in fact [conj] the " in BNC.

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1 There are relevant stair er Chairman which you can look out of place at the present moment of time but they will need to be addressed at some point in time in the future and therefore one could be forgiven for wanting to prioritise various but in general terms , the strategy that has been er looked at is the progress of St Albans in general , there may be small elements of it and some of these have already touched upon but in general that is no sound strategy er which over a period of time and in the process of that it will be essential to monitor erm the effect of some of the changes as you go forward to see in fact whether the other elements of strategy that were erm put in to that er work were in fact still necessary and whether they should be have some .
2 In fact although the chemical structure of polymers , to be discussed below , does affect physical properties considerably it is not of prime importance for determination of the mechanical properties when a particular state is being considered .
3 Acoustics ' fingerboards are glued on relatively late in production , in fact after the necks have been fitted to the bodies .
4 In 1966 it received $130 million , of which 71 per cent was in military assistance , more in fact than the cumulative total of military assistance from 1948 .
5 The Nab is an excellent viewpoint , better in fact than the actual summit of Wild Boar Fell although of lower elevation .
6 Which I 'd say is less useful in fact than the little ones .
7 However , that cost is not unique to DIY training , and in fact once the lower travelling and disruption time is taken into account , DIY may actually be cheaper than the alternatives .
8 The German Dynacord company remain relatively unheralded within the modern music industry , even though they 've been around for over forty years , in fact since the very inception of electronic amplification .
9 It is possible in fact that the extent to which agricultural work is carried out depends greatly on the availability and profitability of alternative sources of employment .
10 What they ‘ d just seen was an excerpt from his full-length film Is There Sex After Death ? , a blue movie parody that he ‘ d made on a very tight budget — so tight in fact that the only way he could think of promoting it was to call a press conference — of a sort !
11 So powerful in fact that the medium of television itself can be as persuasive as the message it sends .
12 This is a peculiarly steep region , so much so in fact that the snow finds it more than usually difficult to stay where it has fallen ; there have been some sadly famous avalanches near Luz , the hamlets of Chéze and Saligos which you pass as you come in from the north both having been smothered and destroyed in their time .
13 The past two days had passed quickly , so quickly in fact that the events of those four days were somewhat hazy .
14 Based very loosely on the Pat Barker novel Union Street — so loosely in fact that the Robert De Niro character Stanley does n't exist in the original — Stanley and Iris manages for most of its length to say a great deal about struggling along just above the poverty line .
15 Are you are you sort of saying in fact that the erm that the the success of those qua of the rebirth of the slate industry in has depended largely upon erm these mens skill erm as well as the investment of the quarry owners ?
16 The real matter is in fact that the vast majority of children in this country are growing up in a secularist culture which rules out religion altogether , and that those within faith communities are living in a world in which their faiths will be more and more subjected to secularist interrogation .
17 The case in fact that was put forward by the North Yorkshire County Council Highways and Traffic committee was in fact that the need as so clearly expressed by Mr is that it is the A fifty nine that needs the relief more than anything else an therefore the proposal is that the northern relief road be it an inner or an outer , be built first .
18 It 's a succesfull company which has thrived during the recession — is n't it just the sort of firm in fact that the conservatives could claim credit for helping ?
19 assessments are available , and Mrs will confirm as the same as the cycling issue for example the value and assessments will be made available , these are vast documents of many pages , if you look at the actual , the final page you 'll see there in fact that the
20 The other partners are only safe if the individual who acted had no authority in fact and the party with whom he dealt either knew about the absence of authority or else did not know or believe the individual to be a partner .
21 Choices of ends , as of means , are debatable in terms of public tests ( of whether things are in fact as the agent imagines them , whether his reactions as observed in his behaviour are as he feels them to be ) , but can take account of public observations only to the extent that they are subjectively confirmed .
22 There they will find spare parts for all manner of aircraft , in fact if the RAF flew it , PAS have got spares for it .
23 In fact if the previous speaker has complained about waiting in patience , I have waited forty years to tell this story in the assembly because a young minister flatly contradicted a giant of the church , Dr John , the protagonist of national church extension .
24 In fact if the books are anything to go by then he is doing everything wrong .
25 There are not many yews of this age left in Britain ; in fact if the tree is 2,000 years old it 'll be one of only about 40 trees in western Europe to have reached this age .
26 that and so on , erm , erm , I , it would be nice in fact if the er Ipswich evening tabloid which gave us prominence to this rule er would give just a little space to er this latest development , erm but I would like to , not being excessively caracole I mean reading this document I do feel a slight er switch on your comments on er Pipers Vale , er which you note , there are no er nationally er or er common species which sounds as though you have designs on it , erm I , I wonder if this would be the place to ask you , you know , to make some sort of statement about Pipers Vale , you know that we are basically looking for a route which does not touch on Pipers Vale
27 Some of his soft-ground plates of plants — tree roots and details of vegetation and rocks could have been drawn on the spot , in fact where the reversal of the image was not of importance or obvious .
28 In fact when the Daily Mail launched an appeal for an anti-red ambulance it did not raise sufficient money to send even one to the Spanish fascists .
29 Yeah erm , the reason I want to follow it up is because would you not agree er with a number of major companies in this country and in a time of recession rather than cutting back on your marketing and advertising you should in fact be increasing it in fact when the marketing
30 I met Agnew very early on as a collector , in fact when the Virginia Museum put on that first exhibition of ‘ Sport and the Horse ’ whose selection committee I headed .
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