Example sentences of "in case you have " in BNC.

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1 ‘ You are talking to a Minister of the Crown , in case you 've forgotten .
2 You 're the Deputy 19 Director — in case you 've forgotten .
3 In case you 've got to go and become a father again ! ’
4 My cottage , in case you 've forgotten .
5 DECEMBER 1 , 1991 was World AIDS Day , in case you 've forgotten .
6 I only saw the first page which , in case you 've forgotten the system , shows the subject 's photograph , age , length of time spent in the employ of the company , when he — or she — joined us , when he — or she — left us .
7 ‘ So 's Sam , in case you 've forgotten . ’
8 In case you 've forgotten what we were doing a few minutes ago . ’
9 ‘ I 'm simply telling you how it was just in case you 've forgotten — alcohol has a rather mind-numbing effect and after all you would n't want to forget even the tiniest part of so wonderful an evening , would you ? ’
10 She 's my hostess — in case you 've forgotten that small fact .
11 ‘ I suppose I 'd better tell just in case you 've got any thoughts .
12 He 's out of his mind in case you 've had an accident or something , but he could n't come after you because he was due back at the hospital for a clinic . ’
13 In case you 've forgotten , ’ he said , eyes flashing , ‘ you are wearing my ring and an announcement is appearing in the South China Morning Post tomorrow morning .
14 I that 's in case you 've got one then is it ?
15 With his throat garrotted , in case you 'd forgotten .
16 This is a prison , in case you 'd forgotten .
17 ‘ You were robbing that jeweller 's , in case you 'd forgotten . ’
18 In case you 'd forgotten , Martin Shaw was in The Professionals .
19 ‘ Was it not an instinctive reaction to break and see if you could help them , just in case you had to stop to do something about them ? ’
20 So , the star compiles and writes the evening , and calls in a fellow thesp to direct : Petherbridge 's The Eight O'Clock Muse is staged by Peter Barkworth , John Sessions 's Napoleon — The American Story by Kenneth Branagh ( a promising young actor , in case you had n't heard ) .
21 ‘ It 's written at the front of my note-book and it says ‘ Private ’ in case you had n't noticed . ’
22 Well , I 'm eleven now , folks , and , in case you had n't heard , I do n't wet my bed anymore .
23 ‘ We 're in the risk business — in case you had n't realized it . ’
24 Sheila , it 's not personal , we are actually having a political disagreement , in case you had n't noticed .
25 ‘ Rock'n'roll ’ , in case you had any doubts , is not Jay 's bag .
26 In case you had n't heard , I turned eighteen last month .
27 In case you had n't realised , this is what pop music needs in 1992 .
28 In case you had n't noticed , I 'm not in the warp at the moment .
29 In case you had n't figured it out already , or have been vacationing in the Amazon rain forest , ACE is well and truly dead .
30 IN CASE YOU had n't noticed , Mr O'Hagan , ( Modern Times : ‘ The revenge of the Angry Man ’ , May ) the strident ‘ total war ’ feminists still exist , in abundance .
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