Example sentences of "in a [adv] [adj -er] " in BNC.

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1 The artist would reproduce that grid onto a studio canvas in a proportionately larger scale , using it as a sequence of reference points by which to plot and paint up the landscape configuration exactly to the Design drawing .
2 You have a reputation for evading the issue , but before the end of April you ought to become a bigger fish in a decidedly bigger pond .
3 Those rivers employed for potable supply create a special concern among field officers , reflected in a markedly greater willingness to define a discharge as polluting .
4 ‘ Secondly , and this is more important , you will have the capability to influence your own reality in a profoundly greater sense than at any time in mankind 's history .
5 But a lot of the training does n't actually have a definite something that 's sort of a number because it 's actually getting people to do the work that they 're already doing in a slightly better way or to feel more confident
6 ‘ I think you 've had some kind of breakdown , ’ said Julius in a slightly gentler voice .
7 Dramatic , swagged deep blue and pink chintz curtains are an attractive feature and are complemented by the furniture that has been upholstered in a slightly paler blue .
8 He looked closely at her and spoke in a slightly louder voice and more slowly .
9 Considering the clean wake and the almost dinghy-like responsiveness of the yacht , we were convinced that a reach in a slightly stiffer breeze would have seen her sliding into an easy surf .
10 Profits were 50% up at passive components distributor Nortronic but Wakefield , the US networking equipment company that has moved into network systems integration , turned in a slightly lower contribution than last year because return of growth in the UK market has not enhanced the computer communications sector yet .
11 ‘ That really is n't a very healthy wave , ’ she said in a slightly firmer voice .
12 But , in a slightly weaker sense , someone may lose their autonomy if the opportunity for them to exercise their capacity to choose is removed .
13 Erm being that I , one of the bits which I think catches your eye is this little house here , although there 's lots of them about , because this one tends to be in a slightly darker area , and for some reason that , the light on there is sort of picking that one out rather more than all the others , and I think that 's quite a nice little feature .
14 For wood graining ( as used in the treasure chest on page 106 ) , simply apply winding brush strokes along a brown washed background in a slightly darker brown , splaying the brush tip out slightly to create a blurred variegated line .
15 In a pilot trial the results of treatment with homoeopathy in a group of patients were compared with the results of aspirin treatment in a slightly smaller , but otherwise similar group .
16 Hardy Hall put you in a rather higher position and invited you to consider some of the long-term implications of the proposed change as well as the immediate problems .
17 At one table , declarer thought about the hand in a rather wider fashion .
18 In a rather larger number of situations the authorities will have quite explicit duties but will not have been given detailed guidance on how to carry them out .
19 Kapuscinski is soon in a still hairier place , further south , where he is told of the South African intervention .
20 This will affect English teaching , since English will exist in a still richer linguistic and cultural context .
21 Another bibliography of a single format , in a still faster growing field .
22 Burma was ‘ in a politically stronger position ’ though ‘ in bad shape , economically and financially ’ .
23 All self sacrifice is good , but one could like it to be in a somewhat nobler cause than that of a diabolical law which chains a man body and soul to a putrefying carcass .
24 Newcastle and Glasgow would Appear to be in a somewhat better position , for although both have lost substantial numbers of jobs in manufacturing , a more optimistic picture has emerged in the late 1980s , based on public — private-sector investment and cultural developments .
25 Firstly , the placing of the new subcultural theory relating to youth in a somewhat wider context .
26 Pure carbon , indeed , is merely graphite : or , in a somewhat fancier form , diamond .
27 Although more resilient , and easier to handle as well as coming in a far higher range of breaking strains ( up to 200kg or over 400 1 b ) , braid is still vulnerable to kinks and twists .
28 Television may have made inroads on the number of live spectators but , if anything , it has encouraged a greater degree of participation in a far wider range of activities .
29 Rover , although in a far healthier financial state than before , was not considered suitable for a similar sale of shares to the public .
30 While for some this may be evident enough in the society of mass consumption , it has equally commonly been assumed that this degree of variability is an aberrant result of the wastage of modern capitalism , and that the ‘ pristine ’ subjects of social anthropology live in a far closer relationship with the given needs of their environment ( e.g. Forde 1934 ) .
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