Example sentences of "in [pron] they [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Often their own need for a change is equally strong too , and if the arrangement is made through a social worker from the local authority social services department in whom they have confidence , they go with no fear of not being allowed to return when the holiday period is over .
2 and they absconded it , and the dog has n't a hope in hell and also the ones you get for the kids , when you sit in them they sit up like little chairs do n't they ?
3 Yeah , erm when we 're up the farm when er , after a few days we put the feed in them they smell .
4 They react to them in that way because automatically some of them do n't come from a background in which they grew up with father figures and another thing is they ca n't live up to the expectations of a lot of black women , so it makes them feel lesser .
5 But one looks in vain for any discussion of their physical growth , where their original core lay , of the directions in which they grew , and when and why , and of what accounts for their street plan and their shape today .
6 The form of many cement crystals can be indicative of the environment in which they grew ( see Section 5.3.3 ) .
7 Andy Swapp , manager of Blackwells ' Art & Poster Shop , argues that non-book paper products are not to be sniffed at , and explains why booksellers should consider stocking diaries , calendars and cards not only for the contribution they can make to profitability but also for the dramatic way in which they support and enhance book displays and promotions
8 Except in these fantasies in which they let
9 Departments , including costume and design , have started to operate the system , in which they cost their own services and sell themselves to BBC programmes .
10 AIthough there are common concerns shared by the two theories , and indeed attempts to draw on both of them , there are also differences in terms of , for instance , the way in which they characterize society , or the part of it they are dealing with , the degree to which they focus on production and technology , whether their focus is on sectors or wider processes , and in relation to evidence ( both in terms of whether their balance is towards description or explanation and in terms of their interpretation of evidence ) .
11 It is impossible to forget these mothers and the matter-of-fact way in which they relate their experiences , an indication that they know their suffering is by no means unique .
12 And , even more importantly , the Formalists differ radically from the Anglo-Americans on the way in which they relate poetic ambiguity to ordinary language , and it is through this differential function , and not by means of mere conformity and intensification that poetry heightens and enriches ordinary communication .
13 Perhaps the key way to establish a connection between the concerns of conventional Marxist urban and regional sociology and the concepts outlined in Chapters 1 and 2 is to concentrate on typical forms of social mobility ; the ways in which they relate to spatial mobility and moral careers .
14 There were clear political reasons for setting up the LDDC and other Urban Development Corporations , and for deciding the way in which they conduct their affairs .
15 They are , therefore , not required by law to have governing bodies although some LEAs , including Berkshire , established such bodies some years ago and have subsequently applied most of the requirements of legislation to the ways in which they conduct their affairs .
16 Who knows , Mrs. Chamberlayne , The differences that made to the natives who were dying Or the state of mind in which they died ?
17 The second way in which they use anthropological material we can call ‘ rhetorical ’ .
18 They are influenced by the beliefs which people have , which affect the ways in which they behave and in which they use their resources .
19 What are the circumstances in which they use this word and what are their attitudes to a person thus described ?
20 Animals are no strangers to ‘ technology ’ and some of the ways in which they use it are surprising as well as being remarkably sophisticated .
21 Given employers ' lack of knowledge about qualifications and the relatively arbitrary way in which they use them , it is difficult to give credence to the widespread notion that they are dissatisfied with the educational levels of young workers .
22 Er you fi What the feminist the schools says that a lot of languages minimize and trivialize interests and achievements of women and denigrate them by the way in which they use language and the way in which they talk about things .
23 Our regular ‘ In Conversation ’ interviews with many of today 's most successful artists have proved popular for the way in which they reveal the ideas and working methods of professional artists .
24 The studies can be illuminating largely because , as Banks ( 1974 ) puts it , of the way in which they reveal differences between systems which in many other respects are similar , and similarities in systems which otherwise are different .
25 The lost villages are known to have existed mainly through references in medieval parish records of births , marriages and deaths , but their location is unknown beyond the parish in which they lay .
26 But the slivers , so moist , so delicious , had been interleaved with greaseproof paper , and the white tray in which they lay had looked so very like the ones she had looked at with hopeless longing in Marks and Spencer , except that someone had torn off the label .
27 He grew up in a world of feud and betrayal , the hedgerow ambush on the country road , the British officers or agents in their rooms , given two minutes to say their prayers and then ‘ plugged ’ through the sheets and blankets of the beds in which they lay .
28 ‘ I knew you 'd be great at it , ’ she carried on , whispering despite the mighty desolation in which they lay .
29 Its purpose was to perform acts of sabotage and to organise raids far behind the enemy lines , and ( later , in Europe ) to sustain local guerrilla groups , and send back to Britain intelligence regarding any situation with which S.A.S. troops themselves were incapable of dealing in the small numbers in which they operated .
30 Research turned towards the policy process itself , to the people who took the decisions and to the local political institutions in which they operated .
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