Example sentences of "in [pron] only [noun] " in BNC.

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1 alternative name for the Earl Marshal 's or Marshalsea Court in which only lawyers who were members of Clifford 's Inn were allowed to practise .
2 A similar finding has been reported using simultaneous gamma scintigraphy , oesophageal pH monitoring , and manometry in which only 23% of reflux events were detected by both methods .
3 To turn back now from the monastic life , however it had been approached , was to turn back to a world of uncertainty and to face a future in which only damnation was assured .
4 My own memory is vivid : it was a bitterly cold morning , below - 14° , and the ground I trod , in which only days before I would have been up to my knees in mud , was as solid as rock .
5 The results of the antibody tests were interpreted without knowledge of metastatic site or other clinical information and are considerably better than results of morphological studies using routine sections , in which only 27% of sites were identified correctly on morphology alone and 46% with knowledge of the metastatic site .
6 For housewives who do receive appreciative comments from husbands , this positive reward is often conditional , and therefore hardly an improvement on a situation in which only failure is referred to :
7 Ahead of the Latvian Supreme Soviet session , the radical nationalist National Independence Movement organized on April 30-May 1 a rival " Congress of Latvia " , elected in privately organized elections in which only people who had been citizens of the pre-war independent Latvia and their descendants were eligible to vote .
8 It is being suggested , is it , that God saw nothing wrong with the past situation in which only men could be ordained ?
9 Indeed both women and men were so baptized and entered the people of God which was the church — in differentiation from the Jewish background in which only men were circumcised and fully a part of the religious people of Israel .
10 It must be recalled that Marx was using a very abstract model , in which only workers and capitalists appear as economic persona .
11 Cinema-going , as described by A. J. P. Taylor , was ‘ the essential social habit of the age ’ , although he also warns that ‘ highly educated people saw in it only vulgarity and the end of Old England ’ .
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