Example sentences of "in [pron] we have " in BNC.

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1 We know in whom we have belief .
2 Our business partners in whom we have invested are now one year old .
3 These cases are ones involving insolvency , that is total net indebtedness ; in them we have seen that either the trust was invalid because the testator 's estate was insolvent , or the trust was valid in spite of the fact that the trustee was insolvent .
4 At the first personal growth workshop I ever attended , I still recall an exercise in which we had to write down our faults and weaknesses , what we disliked about ourselves .
5 Back from Egypt for three months I was staying with my aunt in the Victorian villa in Tunbridge Wells in which we had both been born .
6 As our plans only allowed for one day on Mykines , we made the hølmur our main target , and after leaving our things in the empty house in which we had arranged to spend the night , we set off to follow the steep cliff path which leads to the bridge .
7 If the benefits of large families were obvious in the Irish peasant society in which we had once had our roots , they had a certain value for us too ; they scored vital points on the council housing list .
8 To my delight , thirty minutes after training on the bitter bead there was a substantial increase in the amount of the receptor in the same region of the brain in which we had found changes during imprinting .
9 In which we had to be very responsible like wearing a life jacket and plimsolls so we did n't slip on the floor .
10 Any one else want to make any comments about this , or can I move on to what is headed in Mr 's criteria , area of no market demand , and one in which we had described , and it may well be coincidental , mean the same thing , be in a location where people want to live .
11 So — in the year in which we 've forced the text-centred discipline that is rock writing to incorporate everything that it has excluded for so long ( the relationship between the star 's body and the fan 's , the voice , the materiality of music ) — maybe it 's time to make criticism grapple with what undoes it , ‘ the uncritical ’ itself .
12 It 's like a dream in which we 've been trying to get through to people and we 've represented this by seeing ourselves locked inside our homes , desperately trying to get out .
13 This is more a celebration of his life in which we 've tried to present as many different facets of it as possible . ’
14 I do not believe that at the end of a week in which we have honed a new policy we are going to even contemplate bargaining that away in smoke-filled rooms with Paddy Ashdown , David Owen , or anyone else . ’
15 The public has always wanted good British films , not the million-pound ‘ epics , which so often bore them , but the good , honest , unpretentious stories in which we have shown such promise — the records of everyday life .
16 For all its curiosities , what Joshua 6 describes , in the form in which we have it , is not a liturgical ceremony , but an act of war , the capture and wholesale destruction of a city .
17 By the time ‘ Chronic Diseases ’ had been published , Hahnemann had decided that the remedy should be not only succussed but also diluted before repetition , and he formulated the fifty millesimal scale , in which we have both more succussion ( one hundred times instead of ten times ) and greater dilution ( fifty thousand times instead of a hundred times as in the centesimal scale ) .
18 Life is brief , and the removal of a long-tolerated equally with a long-loved landmark alters and injures the world in which we have been happier than we have deserved to be .
19 We 've gone from a more-or-less carefree kind of life of our twenties , in which the car , the flat and the girlfriend/ boyfriend were about the only real constituents — to a world in which everyone wants a piece of our time , in which we have to make decisions ( fundamental , trivial , pregnant with import ) every three minutes .
20 The Worldwide Fund for Nature is , of course , just one part of a huge international Green Movement , in which we have seen massive increases in the number of supporters over the past few years .
21 Apathy is a state of mind in which we have given up and no longer exercise control over our lives .
22 It would be like returning to resit an examination in which we have not done well enough to proceed to another level of our education .
23 As a result , one can indeed envisage a situation in which we have before us an over production in all links of the chain which expresses itself in an over-production of means of consumption , i.e. in an overproduction in relation to the consumer market , which is precisely the expression of a general over-production .
24 By contrast , Jesus called us to be constantly on the move , moving as pioneers into new situations in which we have to rely on God .
25 It should be clear that TP is a special case of TRP with M + N sites , in which we have written instead of whenever ( a warehouse ) .
26 ‘ I believe that if the Institute were to make one of its inspections , it would not find anything to give them cause for concern over the way in which we have conducted our professional work , ’ Ms Harris says .
27 The cultural framework in which we have been raised and within which we have been taught to operate provides both security and significance within its frontiers .
28 But the ways in which we have been asked to look at consumer credit use are hardly relevant to TV rental .
29 Starting in July , every six months we will publish our median time to make a decision and publish original papers and the proportion of cases in which we have met our targets .
30 The fascination Or sociology lies in the fact that its perspective makes us see in a new light the very world in which we have lived all our lives … .
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