Example sentences of "in [art] [adj] [be] " in BNC.

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1 A rising level of real national income in the long-run is called economic growth and this is yet another policy objective of governments .
2 In assessing the impact of policy , one must remember that what seems fixed and unalterable can in the long-run be adjusted — as the designers of the window tax discovered .
3 A singularity in the space-time is indicated by incomplete geodesics or incomplete curves of bounded acceleration ( Hawking and Ellis , 1973 ) .
4 The type changed during the 1940s and 1950s from a typical dairy animal to a shorter-legged , broader dual-purpose cow , but Holstein semen imported from the USA in the 1970s is changing the type once again .
5 The manner and nature of these developments in the 1970s is not the concern of this study .
6 The great shortcoming of the reform of local government in the 1970s is that the problem of finance was ignored .
7 Although interest-group representation is nothing new in Washington , the huge expansion in the 1970s is only ‘ a mere outgrowth of old tendencies … in the same sense that a 16-lane spaghetti interchange is the mere elaboration a county crossroads ’ .
8 The factors which made it a reality in the 1970s are a pool of cheap labour , new production processes and new communications methods .
9 For example , planners in China do not seem aware of the cohort structure their population might have in decades to come if the drastic reductions in fertility introduced in the 1970s are maintained for 20 or 30 years .
10 But the response in the 1970s was very different from the response in the 1980s .
11 Its development in the 1970s was closely associated with periods of petro-dollar recycling but , probably more important , it is the direct result of increased integration of national economies into a truly integrated international economy .
12 Waugh 's Brideshead Revisited in the 1970s was watched across the face of the globe on television screens , like Galsworthy 's Forsyte Saga before it .
13 The style of many of the executive search firms in the 1970s was entrepreneurial : it had to be , because the market was embryonic and growing rapidly , and the firms run by entrepreneurs grew with the market : for instance , David Norman at Russell Reynolds , David Kay and Roy Goddard at GKR and Anna Mann , founder of Whitehead Mann , are good examples of that style .
14 The burgeoning of leftist idealism in the 1970s was , however , opposed from within the ranks of the left from the start .
15 Mailer 's longest essay on the CIA in the 1970s was called , after Balzac 's masterpiece , A Harlot High and Low .
16 London 's rate of population loss in the 1970s was virtually the same as the average for the next five cities ( Birmingham , Glasgow , Liverpool , Manchester , and Newcastle ) , so the relative gap between them changed little .
17 Hard to believe though it may now be , Britain in the 1970s was experiencing a profound crisis .
18 The high rate of inflation in the 1970s was threatening the building of a new Junior School , and a Sports Pavilion at the Dialstone Lane field .
19 The greatest failure for the EC in the 1970s was the failure to progress towards EMU .
20 The view of education which dominated feminist thought in the 1970s was heavily influenced by liberal explanations of working-class failure in education .
21 The first book-length statement of the Justice Model in the 1970s was the American Friends Service Committee 's report Strug-gle for Justice , published in 1971 .
22 The most striking feature is that expenditure in the 1970s was at a far higher level than during the 1950s and 1960s .
23 The end-result of these developments in the 1970s was a great variety of educational initiatives in working-class communities under the general umbrella of community education and action , e.g. neighbourhood learning centres , community arts and media centres , community learning exchanges , participatory research units , trade union and community resource centres , community schools , community development projects .
24 The rise in oil prices in the 1970s was a third factor .
25 A major controversy arose during January and February 1990 in connection with allegations circulating within the British media for a number of years by Colin Wallace — a former information officer with the Ministry of Defence ( MOD ) at Army headquarters in Northern Ireland — that a campaign of smears and subversion against senior politicians which had existed in the province in the 1970s was extended to the mainland to include many leading British politicians .
26 By any measure the contribution of the CNAA and its associated institutions in the 1970s was considerable .
27 Although this could suggest the improved survival in the 1970s was due to better management early in the disease , the similarity of the SMRs in each decade would again suggest that the age distribution of patients is the explanation .
28 Thus , the third phase of progress in the 1970s was characterised by selection for surgery of the most favourable cases with the expectation that those not selected for treatment would die .
29 In Trengganu , in the Malay Peninsula , the percentage of trees used in the 1970s was 4.5–26.3% , the number of actual trees being 2.5–12.5 per ha .
30 Japanese drift-nets in the 1970s were about 15 km ( 10 miles ) in length , but now they may be four times that length .
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