Example sentences of "in [adj] [noun] the " in BNC.

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1 In mocking fashion the fable puts stress on two outstanding characteristics of anthropological field research : a central concern with kinship and marriage and an emphasis on gaining understanding through participant observation and the intimate , first-hand , use of vernacular concepts .
2 Schmitt 's claim is that even in present-day Eskimo the verb translated into English as ‘ kill ’ is a peripheral modification of the noun for ‘ booty ’ .
3 ‘ The writers of the industrial novels were never able to resolve in fictional terms the ideological contradictions inherent in their own situation in society .
4 In fiery red the sun doth rise
5 Studies to determine the effects of increased cardiac output on uterine bloodflow are ethically difficult and not performed , but ( Barton et al , 1974 ) showed that in pregnant sheep the uterine vessels constrict in response to circulating norepinephrine and epinephrine , while animal studies have shown that plasma catecholamines increase during exercise in response to the intensity and duration of the exercise .
6 So in normal circumstances the WEA is a voluntary movement up to a point , but also a partnership between voluntary and professional members — and a partnership which usually achieves the best results in a context of mutual respect .
7 It is not at all clear how the testator 's intentions are to be discovered ; the force of the word maxime may be to suggest that there is a presumption that in normal circumstances the heir will redeem .
8 In normal circumstances the capitalist state can successfully conceal its class character .
9 In normal circumstances the American political culture is a restraint on leaders in general and on chief executives in particular .
10 In normal circumstances the men would just have forced their way in and relieved him of the weapon .
11 In normal circumstances the suggestion that a contracting party can rely on his own breach to establish consideration is distinctly unattractive .
12 In normal usage the Dodge stops acceptably , the spongy pedal and ‘ grabbing ’ only occurring under duress , while the Vauxhall 's brakes feel mushy but are stronger and more consistent in their behaviour .
13 But the final sale price was still pounds more than it had been in normal trading the month before .
14 In normal intestine the pattern of sodium absorption paralleled that for water absorption emphasising the importance of passive sodium absorption and solvent drag .
15 In normal subjects the rank order of the various phospholipid classes was : PC>PE>PI>SM>LL>PS .
16 In normal situations the uncertainty principle implies that one can definitely predict either the position or the velocity of a particle or one combination of position and velocity .
17 Generally speaking , however , in normal flight the wing ( or coupled wings ) moves in a path such that a point on its surface describes an irregular loop or an elongate figure-of-eight with respect to the wing-base , the long axis of the plane of vibration being inclined at an angle to the long axis of the insect ( Fig. 38 ) while the angle at which the surface of the wing is held changes throughout the cycle .
18 pH >7 was used to define abnormal alkalinity in the oesophagus because in normal volunteers the pH of the oesophagus is between 4 and 7 for 96% of the time .
19 In total numbers the army of officialdom increased from 1.3m to 1.7m between 1960 and 1975 [ Bacon and Eltis , 1974 ; Eltis , 1979 ] .
20 In conversational speech the two-way element is crucial .
21 In turbulent air the launch should be abandoned if the launching speed becomes really excessive .
22 In question-answering systems the computer generates answers to the user 's query based on stored information .
23 With the authorities buying in gilt-edged stock the size of the market has declined — from £142 billion at the end of 1988 to £129 billion at the end of 1989 .
24 A point to note about technique is that when you actually go round the mark in strong winds the daggerboard should be retracted first then the mast track moved back in preparation for the reach .
25 The loss of an efficient officer , however , was not to be accepted without protest by the captain who lost his services , and Captain Robert Digby , for example , protested in strong terms the impending transfer of Midshipman Callender from his ship to Captain Keith Stewart 's Berwick in 1778 , pointing out that ‘ this Mr. Callender I made a midshipman myself upon finding Sir Lawrence Dundas was his friend ’ and complained of ‘ Scotch captains being allowed to pick the quarterdecks of other ships without the captain 's consent … ’
26 In 1357 the clerical author of the short De miserabili statu regni Francie , reflecting upon the disaster of Poitiers , praised the courage of the king , John II , who had fought bravely up to the very moment of his capture , but condemned in strong terms the failure and lack of heart of the nobility , the ‘ duces belli ’ who had failed in their obligation to the French state .
27 Page 29 World Markets New York : The Columbus holiday and Yom Kippur hit trading , and in low turnover the Dow Jones Industrial Average slipped before rallying to close 5.89 points higher at 2,791.41 .
28 Revving fast in low gear the Citron swerved in a half-circle and smashed into the bank at the roadside , flinging the coolie clear .
29 CASE III is a teacher/researcher collaboration to describe in rich detail the teaching skills required to realise the project aims .
30 I know that in professional yachting the attitude is that sponsorship money is good , no matter what the source ; after all , the yachting public should be intelligent enough to choose for themselves .
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