Example sentences of "in [adj] [noun] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 In 614 Chlothar held a council at Paris , and one at Clichy in 626/7 .
2 In 1875 Sykes achieved one of the greatest advances in railway safety in operation with his ‘ lock and block ’ system .
3 In 1875 Tosti made his first visit to London , and after this returned every year to the city , where he became very popular in fashionable circles .
4 In 1875 women became eligible for election as guardians .
5 In 1875 Kempe bought an Elizabethan house , Old Place , Lindfield , which he greatly enlarged and decorated lavishly with his growing collection of furniture and works of art .
6 In 1875 Davies became treasurer of the college , resigning in 1886 .
7 Also in 1875 Townsend made his first tour to the Continent ; throughout his life he made regular visits to Europe , especially to northern Italy , where he developed a lifelong interest in architectural mosaics .
8 In 1875 Thomas hit upon a way of removing phosphorus from iron ores in the process developed by ( Sir ) Henry Bessemer [ q.v. ] for the manufacture of steel .
9 It remains to look at Innocent 's expansionist views towards the Eastern Church and Palestine , but they were grounded in age-old desires to re-unite Christendom and secure the Holy Places from the infidel .
10 ‘ Two hundred and fifty pounds in used notes looks very like blackmail but , for these days , it 's a modest demand from a comparatively wealthy man . ’
11 Before his father 's retirement in 1869 Knowles began to practise independently .
12 In 1869 Skerne joined forces with a Dudley company to win a contract from the Bombay-based Grand India Peninisular Railway .
13 The most important have been the Dolgellau area of North Wales , where auriferous quartz veins in Cambrian shales have yielded a total of about 4 tonnes of gold , and the Pumpsaint area of Central Wales where auriferous quartz veins cut pyritic Silurian shales .
14 It is a mineralised breccia pipe in Cambrian sediments consisting of angular fragments veined and cemented by chalcopyrite , pyrite and quartz ( Allen and Easterbrook , 1978 ; MRP 29 ) .
15 Thus , when considering macro- and microscopic data independently , the same results were obtained : mild acid pretreatment enhances mucosal resistance in the three experimental groups but changes are significantly more noticeable in linoleic or eicosapentaenoic acid supplemented groups than in oleic acid fed rats .
16 We can only surmise that a few basic signalling systems emerged early in evolution and were then modified in subtle ways to meet the unique signalling requirements of different cells .
17 Quinn sees large companies as similar to large rivers slowly moving in given directions , but containing within them various ebbs , flows and eddies which , while they do not necessarily contribute in any direct analytical way to the general direction , nevertheless in aggregate help to determine it .
18 Although the government would admit that in the short term a rise in aggregate demand stimulated by government fiscal policy would raise employment and output ( quantity ) , in the longer term such fiscal relaxation would raise the rate of inflation ( price ) and not quantity ; money GDP ( price × quantity ) would be rising but not output .
19 But if expectations are rational then this superiority disappears , for if the fall in aggregate demand assumed above were predictable , it would have no effect on real output and would not need to be countered by a change of monetary policy .
20 A sudden fall in aggregate demand resulting from , for example , fiscal contraction , will , in the short run , produce a fall in output , but eventually the induced fall in the absolute
21 If unpredictable changes in aggregate demand occur , disequilibrium results : for example , an unexpectedly high level of aggregate demand would cause excess demand to arise .
22 A second series of influential studies that gave support to the model presented in chapter 4 — this time to its prediction that only unanticipated changes in aggregate demand have real output effects — were those of Barro ( 1977a , 1978a ; see also Barro and Rush , 1980 ) .
23 In the Keynesian model , the price level is assumed to be inflexible so that the fall in aggregate demand has the effect of reducing real income to OY 1 with the price level remaining unchanged at OP .
24 In theory it is conceivable for any increase in aggregate demand to raise output and employment levels as long as full employment of the labour force has not been reached .
25 In Keynesian economics , this increase in aggregate demand occurring at an initial state of full employment will simply raise prices : there will be no output response even in the short run .
26 For most of this period , this simply meant allowing money supply to expand to accommodate increases in aggregate demand associated with expansionary fiscal policy ( otherwise the shortage of money would have driven up interest rates ) .
27 Barro focused on the other major prediction of that model : that only the unpredictable movement in aggregate demand affects real variables such as output and unemployment — his contribution is discussed in section 6.2 .
28 Suppose there is a rise in aggregate demand brought about by an expansionary fiscal policy .
29 The contraction in aggregate demand brought about through restrictive macroeconomic policies serves to shift the demand for labour curve to a position .
30 There the random movement in aggregate demand leads to an unexpectedly high price and it is this which induces a rise in output .
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