Example sentences of "in [noun] as [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Shalt roam far hence ( in freedom as of yore ) .
2 There was really only one ground on which the reformers could agree , in fiction as in fact : that cleanliness , above all , was the answer , and that the working class could achieve it in conditions where it was possible to make a genuine home .
3 In Germany as in Britain and France they tended to focus on demands for a standing committee of the legislature with powers to enquire into , and supervise the conduct of , foreign policy ; and here too there were radicals and peace campaigners who called for diplomacy to be made more open and its processes easier for the public in general to understand .
4 Three times as many technicians , builders and electricians are trained in Germany as in Britain .
5 Since also the percentage of assessments below £3 was much the same in Sussex as in Norfolk and Berkshire , a good many farm workers there might have been cottagers who had their own plots of land .
6 Again , it is limited but it shows that an audit failure is three times as likely to occur in the first two years after a change in auditor as in subsequent years .
7 Efforts by Pakistan and Iran to broker a peace settlement with the mujaheddin on the basis of the UN plan were reported to be in progress as of mid-1991 .
8 The Department of the Environment has become involved in discussions as to whether a local authority was entitled to specify that a contractor for refuse collection must hire council vehicles , or to refuse permission to outside tenderers to use a council depot ( Hughes 1989:20 ) .
9 We are given the pronoun first , and then kept in suspense as to its identity , which is revealed later .
10 In addition as on real islands — the total number of species on any one peak is generally low , and many bizarre forms evolve .
11 The city is a microcosm of Germany , in unity as in division .
12 In fact , the ultimate source of value in literature as in society was moral authority .
13 But D'Oyly 's informant still insisted on a difference in kind as between transactions within the caste , that is with kin , and transactions with members of another caste , that is with non-kin .
14 For another , although finer distinctions are made among both Shetlanders and incomers , the stereotypes which are said to characterise the sub-divisions of each group do not differ so much in kind as in degree .
15 In any event , there is likely to be significant variation in views as to how far one should condemn or condone this liberationist violence in the North .
16 Peter Beneventanus Collivaccinus ' Collection , known as the Compilatio Tertia , was both approved and commended by the pope to the masters and scholars of Bologna for use " as much in judgments as in the schools " .
17 In religion as in so much else the daily life of the South Saxons was conducted over several centuries by word of mouth and the group memory rather than by letter and record .
18 In Bucharest as in Pyongyang , it may well be that severe repression can in the first instance only be challenged by a well-aimed bullet .
19 In Bucharest as in Pyongyang , it may well be that severe repression can in the first instance only be challenged by a well-aimed bullet .
20 Expertise in such matters is as likely to be found in schools as in the LEA ; but in any event good practice is defined and achieved dialectically and empirically , not by decree .
21 Despite there being twice as much currency in circulation as in 1990 , the deputy chairman of Gosbank , the State Bank , warned that some enterprises might have difficulty paying wages because of cash shortages .
22 Sir , — I wonder if I might use your publication to enquire of the members in practice as to their success or otherwise in dealing with the Inland Revenue on the matter of dividends paid to directors ' wives where shares have been transferred to the wives following independent taxation .
23 In practice as in theory , true
24 Commenting on its figures ( see page seven ) , Datapoint Corp says that the decline in revenue as of January 30 was down mainly to unfavourable foreign currency translations and an interruption of the French subsidiary 's operations following a fire in its leased warehouse — but there are some bulls of the shares around these days : analyst Howard Harlow of New York 's Whale Securities sees a major turnaround and a doubling in value of the shares over the next 12 months ; he sees earnings of $0.60 a share in 1993 followed by $1.20 a share in 1994 .
25 It relates to the COB Rules in force as at 2 June 1993 .
26 Article 20 ( 4 ) ( b ) of the Vienna Convention puts the onus upon the objecting State to make explicit that it does not regard the treaty as being in force as between itself and the reserving State .
27 However States do not always do this and there can also be uncertainty with respect to individual provisions which can be in force as between some parties but not others .
28 Tolkien saw the problem of evil in books as in realities , and he told his story at least in part to dramatise that problem ; he did not however claim to know the answer to it .
29 Apart from that , in midlife as at every age , a good cut — about once every six weeks — is the single most important way to keep hair looking good , with an occasional soft perm or demi wave , when required .
30 Regardless of local circumstances , they would be the same in Glasgow as in Naples ; the same in Lisbon as in Berlin .
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