Example sentences of "in [noun] and [adv] " in BNC.

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1 There was the scientific discovery of the qualities of film , the perfecting of projectors , and then the marketing of projectors and the organization of places of entertainment first in arcades and then in nickelodeons .
2 Who are these people still growing Gamay in Champagne and why do they want to continue ?
3 If we stopped trying to rig the market in money and instead let it change hands between willing borrowers and willing lenders , its price would certainly tumble and might just about halve .
4 These teams will be trained in direction and how to participate in problem solving .
5 Care had been taken to avoid sex stereotyping by showing both boys and girls at computer keyboards , leading practical science activities , engaged in cooking and also in ‘ home corner ’ play .
6 Meanwhile , we are pressing for IMF teams already in Moscow and elsewhere to start preparing the ground .
7 It was , after all , the conquest and settlement of Siberia in the late sixteenth and the seventeenth centuries which more than anything else — at least in terms of territorial aggrandizement — originally transformed the land-locked mediaeval Tsardom of Muscovy into the mighty Russian Empire , giving the government in Moscow and then St Petersburg virtually unchallenged , absolute sway over the whole of northern Eurasia and its polyglot peoples .
8 Immunity to Trichostrongylus as in Ostertagia is slowly acquired and in sheep and probably goats it wanes during the periparturient period .
9 He is so frustrated by the dearth of buyers for his pub , which is partly sixteenth-century with a 26-seat restaurant , that he has declared he will take a buyer 's property in part-exchange and then rent it out until the market improves .
10 I 'd like to see not cutting cutting costs raise in income and finally I 'd can only see these things coming coming about with the resignation of the five people on the stage tonight . .
11 By 1968 , the clean-cut image of lads in suits and neatly trimmed hair was definitely for the birds , but not the Byrds , and the Monkees had all but swung from their last branch ; the exploitation of four young men who were plucked from audition lines and manufactured into an internationally famous foursome was all but over .
12 The family was of some eminence in Hull and especially in the Hull Trinity House .
13 ‘ Charlotte Graham-Watson was almost born on skis in Verbier and probably has more experience of skiing there than anyone else ! ’
14 Down , who will train tonight in Newry and again on Friday , have placed the emphasis on physical fitness allied tio mental alertness .
15 Female friendship is expressed in fiction and especially in letters through language which by the mid-eighteenth century used terms of ecstasy almost by convention :
16 He was at this stage in his life too disinclined to indulge in retrospection and perhaps too self-absorbed to consider his mother 's life and death in the context of his own life .
17 Therefore , in the early 1970s the working class made substantial gains in take-home pay and public services , as well as in high employment , cuts in hours and probably improved conditions of work .
18 To do so means having kept back something special in reserve and therein lies the whole problem with ‘ Great Expectations ’ — Tasmin threw out her finest first .
19 This was the essence of the arguments over management structure in Sheffield and elsewhere in the late 1960s ( Hampton 1972 ) .
20 Indeed , this event was the first of several that has enabled Keith to use his knowledge of Russian as he has also been asked to write a short speech for a Coopers and Lybrand partner in Sheffield and subsequently coach him with his delivery skills .
21 Ada Neumann shook her head in resignation and once again concentrated her attention on the speaker .
22 He regards PR as a crucial issue and when told that one of its main criticisms is that it produces indecisive government , he came out with that wonderfully ironic comment — ‘ like the weak old government in Switzerland and in Germany and nearly the whole of Europe ’ .
23 Few in Germany and elsewhere have any great conviction about the verdict .
24 The realism of Labour 's attitude towards foreign policy was reinforced by Bevin 's insistence , both at meetings of the National Executive ( to which he was specially invited ) and at the 1945 Labour Party Conference at Blackpool that it was essential to continue with military service while Britain retained the responsibility for maintaining occupation forces in Germany and elsewhere .
25 The first one was built in Germany and later , in 1968 , the one we use was built in Manchester .
26 This included a short spell in Germany and also representing a large American manufacturer in the U.K. He joined Stoddard Mercia from Coloroll Contracts after their closure .
27 The peace of 1945 brought revelations of what a radical and atheistical regime like the Hitlerian could achieve in terms of human suffering , and it prompted a mood of religious revival throughout Western Europe , in Germany and beyond .
28 His career so far has been a lengthy dues-paying climb which has taken him from his Arkansas birthplace to Los Angeles , San Francisco , the US military in Germany and finally London .
29 Hofmann returned to Berlin , to the most prestigious chair of chemistry in Germany and thus in the world , in 1865 , somewhat disappointed at the slow development of chemistry in Britain .
30 In addition , with loans from private collectors as well as museums in Germany and abroad , thirty-eight out of the thirty-nine surviving snuff boxes recorded as having been in the possession of Frederick the Great have been assembled .
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