Example sentences of "in [noun] [conj] have " in BNC.

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1 Over the past few decades , the world 's demand for tin has fallen dramatically as packagers have reduced the thickness of the metal in tinplate or have turned to other materials for their containers , aluminium for instance .
2 The letter from Calderdale says : ’ Negotiations with the Department are taking place on an increase in funding but have proved difficult to achieve so far .
3 In order to look at the effect that financial devolution , in the form of LMS , is likely to have , both on schools and on the quality of education , it may be helpful to look closely at what has happened in institutions that have already experienced various levels of financial autonomy .
4 Mains powered projects should always be housed in cases that have a screw fitting lid .
5 This makes sense when you consider the stored bank of CFCs in products that have not yet been released in the atmosphere .
6 You should have a PhD in Biochemistry or have relevant practical experience , and possess a keen interest in the application of specific enzymes and receptors .
7 We have traditional defences on , for example , diminished responsibility which allow murder to be reduced to manslaughter , or defences introduced in Acts that have been passed in the last couple of years .
8 Other chemicals which pose a threat to stratospheric ozone but whose emissions are smaller include the halon gases ( variously containing bromine , chlorine and fluorine ) which are used mainly in fire-extinguishers and have an even greater ozone depletion potential ( table 6.1 ) ; methyl chloroform , which is used as a solvent and cleaning fluid ; and carbon tetrachloride , used as a dry-cleaner and to fumigate grain in Eastern Europe ( figure 6.3 ) .
9 Some poor people live in houses that have become valuable through changes in the local property market .
10 But he is rarely , if ever , out of the papers which , if they are to be believed , have told of Grunte 's drunken exploits in Parliament and have recounted his talent as a ‘ serial buttocks fondler ’ .
11 and we shall journey in unity that have been separated so long .
12 In the odd invertebrate there is monogamy but no ordinary parental care : the limnorid isopods that bore into shipwood live in pairs , but the young look after themselves ; likewise , some wood-boring scolytid beetles live in pairs but have no parental care in the ordinary sense of the word — although the young may benefit from the proximity of their parents .
13 Personally , I find that I sometimes get new ideas while I am engaged in activities that have nothing to do with my research at all , such as gardening , painting in the house , or even shaving when I get up in the morning .
14 • In rodents , rhythms continue to develop in animals that have been reared for several generations in constant conditions .
15 Since these results are obtained in animals that have been living in a normal environment , they mean that the clock originates , at least in these animals , from an abnormal ‘ internal ’ structure , the chromosome .
16 The first sees organizations pluralistically and , from a fairly orthodox political stance , asks what leads to conflicts in organizations that have to be settled politically , and what resources of power and influence different groups within organizations can draw upon to protect and advance their interests .
17 In addition to the Pahlavi rugs , Persia produces workshop items in styles that have evolved from those made during the Qajar dynasty ( which ended in the 19th century ) , and there are also numerous village and nomadic groups who , allowing for some minor modifications to the market , still make rugs that have hardly changed for generations .
18 The trend towards equality of attainment is especially marked in schools that have been comprehensive for a long time .
19 Few LEA officers have any experience of delegated budgets in schools or have themselves worked in schools where pilot schemes have been operating .
20 As many market buildings stand in squares or have public space around them , they provide a natural place for people to congregate .
21 Even if you can not reach any gardens or nurseries to see roses in action and have to rely on catalogues and lists , there is a great deal of enjoyment to be derived from weighing up the pros and cons and in the anticipation of the pleasures to come , just like choosing a holiday from the glossy brochures .
22 The couple live in Arizona and have an apartment in New York .
23 We are foremost in research and have an acclaimed information service .
24 Thus a Peruvian biologist must be well trained in fieldwork , experienced in research and have an idea of priorities .
25 We are foremost in research and have an acclaimed information service .
26 As walnut was both an exceedingly expensive and difficult wood to work , few if any coffin-makers would have kept it in stock or have possessed the expertise to fashion it .
27 ‘ The Society also looks at the loans that are six months or more in arrears but have not been taken into possession , and adds a percentage of such arrears to the specific provision figure .
28 That was the position last year and it is a sign of the real improvements in investment that have followed the policies of this Government .
29 Instead , use them in designs that have a much lighter , airier feel .
30 Mr Major and his cabinet are in disarray and have evidently run out of ideas and of steam .
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