Example sentences of "in [noun] [conj] leave " in BNC.

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1 He spent his childhood in Lincoln and left school at 16 to join his father 's jewellery shop .
2 Born in Sunderland and left for London , aged 17 , Stewart met Annie Lennox in 1977 where she was working as a waitress in a cocktail bar .
3 The second part of this study will use a large sample of recent graduates to investigate the individual graduate 's choice to become a teacher or not and the incentive to remain in teaching or to leave the job within the first few years .
4 I was probably reacting in part because leaving Genesis was a sad note .
5 James Howe attended the village school in Skirling but left still young and incompletely educated on account of his deafness .
6 As a matter of fact we want them back because first of all they left everything in Kuwait and left .
7 Pain and nausea swept over him in waves that left him hot and sticky and weak at the knees .
8 At an extraordinary meeting of WEU Foreign and Defence Ministers on Oct. 29 the WEU Secretary-General , Willem van Eekelen , suggested a gradual approach whereby EC leaders would approve a common European defence policy at the Maastricht European Council meeting in December but leave the details of its implementation for review for at least five years thereafter .
9 Love is so highly charged you want to be left in peace or left with Andrew 's piece .
10 They were then washed once in 80% ethanol and once in acetone and left to dry for 1 hour .
11 ‘ Stay here in Anjou and leave England to the rule of a man . ’
12 Possibly the most trouble-free and profitable course in the first year is to grass-let part of the farm , on your own terms , thereby keeping the farm in work whilst leaving you free to get on with your development plans .
13 So he , he thought he 'd do an experiment , er he took a small piece of radium which he 'd extracted from several tons of pitchblende and he put this bit of radium on his forearm and , and put a bandage round to hold it in place and left it there for a week and said right I 'll see what happens .
14 But I intend to drive the strategy that is already in place and leave my successor to drive it even further . ’
15 Ah yes , but now that 's very interesting because that 's not the same as was the old regulation with the H N D recognition with Napier , and it used to be as I understood it that you had to actually be in membership and leave a period of time between doing the certificate and the diploma .
16 My Lords , could I ask the Minister if she would agree that there have been some improvements in the accident and emergency departments , since consultants were appointed and how many accidents that er there are emergency departments have not got consultants in charge and leave it to junior doctors ?
17 Her heart cramped now as she thought of her husband 's folly in plumping for the easy money , as it had seemed , after three bad harvests — his airy promise to come home soon — his failure to return after his regiment had been disbanded in Madras and left to make its own way back round half the world .
18 Gather rose hips for seed , layer them with sand in seedboxes and leave outdoors until spring .
19 Its name derives from the fact that , instead of the eggs being spawned in water and left to their own devices , they are carried by the male wrapped in strings around his legs .
20 You killed him , during the journey , paid off the cab in Cheapside and left the body to be discovered by some old biddy in Liverpool Street station . ’
21 A STRONG warning was given to Pakistan yesterday as India demanded the return of six members of an alleged gangster family wanted in connection with bomb attacks in Bombay that left 250 people dead .
22 This first landing was more of a reconnaissance or in modem terms a commando raid in strength , this lasting for about twenty three days , landing in August and leaving mid September .
23 The party machines were crooked , but at least they provided for the to-and-fro of political patronage in ways that left the mayor , as chief executive , relatively free to run the city .
24 First , social trends and policy changes are affecting low-income families in ways that leave studies rapidly out of date .
25 Can you imagine yourself in her place , reckless of her own safety , involved in escapades that left the public gasping , braving death to rescue your grandfather yet always solicitous of the meanest person 's welfare ?
26 He was born at Portsmouth in 1806 , the only son of the civil engineer and inventor Sir Marc Isambard Brunel , who was born in France and left his native country at the Revolution .
27 The Scots , equally determined to finish their programme in style and leave their Auld Enemy with the embarrassment of bottom spot in the table , opened up a 29-17 lead after five ends and by the halfway mark were still in front although their advantage had been trimmed to 53-50 .
28 According to the Arable Research Centres ' Justin Smith , some growers in Bedfordshire have been so disappointed with the insect pollinators ' efforts that they have ploughed up their crops to put in linseed or leave fields fallow .
29 She does not work the streets , but puts ads in newspapers and leaves cards in London telephone boxes .
30 The three-year-old bears the scars and bruises from the freak accident that put him in hospital and left his parents in deep shock .
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