Example sentences of "in [noun sg] and [Wh det] " in BNC.

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1 Of course the ‘ Units ’ are bought by investors , and these units are priced according to how many are in existence and what the total value of the trusts ' net asset holdings are ( e.g. £50m net assets and 5m units means each unit is priced at £10 ) .
2 It will consider , first of all , the state of the finance function as it stood at the end of 1988 , and assess what changes had recently taken place , what were in progress and what further developments could logically have been anticipated .
3 This was a combined telescope and camera , invented and built by the French , of the type used by spy satellites in orbit and which was capable , under ideal atmospheric circumstances , of locating and photographing a white plate from an altitude of 250 miles .
4 As an illness that starts in adolescence and which often has a chronic course requiring repeated admissions , anorexia nervosa imposes a substantial financial burden on the community .
5 Again , ‘ Insistence on belief in an external realization of the good is a form of self-assertion which , while it can not secure the external good which it desires , can seriously the impair the inward good which lies within our power , and destroy that reverence towards fact which constitutes both what is valuable in humility and what is fruitful in the scientific temper . ’
6 Yes , I think you 're drawing a distinction between what you do in practice and what you 're booklet says , so I am talking about the letter of your booklet and what you do in practice might be a lot better .
7 Otherwise there is a criterion ( 1.9.16 ) which is easy to apply in practice and which describes infinitely many ( but not all ) polynomials irreducible over Q[x] .
8 Bohannen ( 1971 ) describes six stations of divorce which may be happening simultaneously or in succession and which continue until some resolution is found .
9 My concern that this might be a common fault was raised when I quoted the part number to my local Genuine Parts dealer who not only instantly recognised it , but knew how many were in stock and which bin they were stored in — and all without consulting the stores computer .
10 There are something like 2,000 pieces of delegated legislation brought into force every year in the United Kingdom and a recent article in Statute Law Review drew attention to some of the difficulties which are likely to arise in discovering what local instruments are in force and what they say .
11 This philosophy produced strong and excellent aeroplanes so long as one was quite sure which members were in tension and which in compression , for , though a strut could at a pinch take tension , a wire could not take compression .
12 What he sees is not what Durkheim had in mind and what Claudia was trying to detect .
13 The first Not the Nine O' Clock News series had a sketch about Python worshippers but that team , while itself worshipping Python , went out of its way not to be derivative , eschewing silly voices , dressing in drag and what they later realised to be a misogynist trait in Python .
14 God 's Gift Mine , it was recognised , lay conveniently near to the Brigham smelters enabling ore deliveries to be maintained throughout the winter months whereas the other ores " further distant , can not be brought to the said smelting house , but in the sumer only … you may therefore consider how farr forth those Mynes soe farr distant may bee sett upon with good strength in sumer and what number of kibbles will weekly be gotten and towards winter when that will faile , to drive those pickmen from there to work in Gods gift , if the winter shall not hinder untill we may be furnished either out of Germainie or our own Nation with a sufficient number of pickmen to man all the works thoroughly & withall to consider whether the Myne of Gods Gift be not so plentifull as some other new Stolnes ( G. Stollen — tunnel , adit etc. ) or head ( possibly a forerunner of our word " heading " ) may be driven thereby to gitt the like weekly pportion ( proportion ) as hath formerly been gotten there . "
15 ‘ ( 4 ) Are the answers to questions ( 2 ) and ( 3 ) affected by the fact that the measure in question has been introduced with the object and effect of rendering a number of fishing vessels which immediately prior to the date of such measure coming into effect have been duly registered in and licensed to fish by the member state in question and which are to a substantial extent beneficially owned by nationals of another member state , resident and domiciled in that other member state , ineligible to fly the flag of the first member state with the result that they cease to be eligible to fish against the catch quotas allocated to the first member state under the Common Fisheries Policy unless ownership and management of the vessels are transferred to citizens of the first member state resident and domiciled therein in accordance with the provisions of the said measure ?
16 ‘ ( 4 ) Are the answers to questions ( 2 ) and ( 3 ) affected by the fact that the measure in question has been introduced with the object and effect of rendering a number of fishing vessels which immediately prior to the date of such measure coming into effect have been duly registered in and licensed to fish by the member state in question and which are to a substantial extent beneficially owned by nationals of another member state , resident and domiciled in that other member state , ineligible to fly the flag of the first member state with the result that they cease to be eligible to fish against the catch quotas allocated to the first member state under the Common Fisheries Policy unless ownership and management of the vessels are transferred to citizens of the first member state resident and domiciled therein in accordance with the provisions of the said measure ?
17 As we mentioned in the first chapter of this book , egalitarian marriage is now widely promoted as an ideal , but recent research indicates that there is a wide gulf between what is said to be happening in terms of sharing in marriage and what actually happens .
18 A journalist friend of mine is doing an in-depth piece for one of the Sundays on big agents in sport and what they do for their clients .
19 There are , however , certain promises and acts which , for various reasons of policy , are deemed to be of no value in law and which are therefore an insufficient consideration .
20 Institutional shareholders prefer an employee trust to an option scheme , as it will not dilute their equity in the company ; this is because an option scheme established by a company usually provides for options to subscribe shares , whereas an employee trust can be empowered to grant options over shares already in issue and which come to be held by the trust , as where an employee leaves and sells his shares to the trustees .
21 The renationalisation of the water industry would cost £3.8 billion — and that is to say absolutely nothing of the £28 billion programme which is currently in place and which will run for the rest of the decade .
22 We do not know what was paid in cash and what was received in cash by the Post Office ; all we know in this regard is the opening and closing cash figure .
23 The best guess appears to be that the debris are fragments of hydroids — an aquatic plant which resembles grass in appearance and which grows on rocks and inside open pipes .
24 Nevertheless , it awoke an unexpected flood of tenderness towards him in her , because it made him so very human , this man of whom she had once been so deeply in awe and whose power over her still unnerved her when she reflected on the realities of their relationship .
25 THE POPULAR myth of Vincent Van Gogh — a mad genius , unhappy in love , who died in poverty and whose greatness was acknowledged only after his death — is an invitation to bio-pic cliché .
26 Whatever people say to him in confidence and whatever they may say in twos or threes , if he had been here when the issue was raised on the Floor of the House only a week or so ago he would have realised — indeed he was here so he should have realised this instantly — that the leaders of the groups might come to an —
27 I mean he 's fairly lacking in confidence and whatever ?
28 This position , actual or potential for all women , leads to a version of the self which is more likely to be defined in relationship and which therefore implies certain commitments or responsibilities which can hardly be denied .
29 for direct processing the track index does not make it clear which records are in overflow and which in the prime data area ; this prevents the first overflow record being retrieved as quickly as is achieved in the two-entry index system — at least while it is the only overflow record .
30 Is there a difference between the evidence given in court and what really happened ?
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