Example sentences of "in [noun sg] [noun pl] [ex0] " in BNC.

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1 In university circles there was for a long time little sympathy for the innovators , and in his younger days Nietzsche 's own tastes inclined the same way .
2 But working in war zones there can be some unwelcome interuptions .
3 Because the old system of boarding young trainees on the farm has virtually disappeared in hill areas there is probably an inadequate intake of young men .
4 In business studies there were generally six or so applicants for each place .
5 Not all field surveys necessitate formal interviewing ; especially in community surveys there may just be one field worker living in the community .
6 For example , in beer advertisements there is a strong appeal to working class loyalty , often to particular , local brews .
7 So often in working relationships there is a them and us mentality .
8 Around the coast and in river valleys there are stretches of tropical jungle with pythons and other snakes .
9 In food operations there is only one standard of cleanliness .
10 In railway terms there were awkwardnesses ; all trains had to include goods and cattle as well as passengers ; sometimes it would be the cattle rather than the passengers who finished up opposite the Lydham Heath platform ; and in my grandmother 's day , Cadwallader had had on occasions to shout in broadest Shropshire to the driver ; ‘ hitch up the train a bit , Harry .
11 In structure drills as well as in pronunciation drills there is one important principle : drill one thing at a time .
12 In haulage contracts there will be little doubt as to whether each party has received a worthwhile benefit !
13 Five years under Deng Xiaoping appears to have started the mighty machine rolling in the right direction again but , in energy terms there are a number of problems to be overcome which are mainly to do with lack of adequate capital investment and resources management .
14 Because as you can imagine in fire stations there 's a great deal of number crunching , there 's a lot of inspections , there 's a lot of work that 's done .
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