Example sentences of "in [noun sg] [prep] national " in BNC.

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1 This structural information includes measures of horizontal fragmentation ( eg number of trade unions involved in each bargaining group ) and also vertical fragmentation ( eg whether bargaining takes place wholly or in part at national , company , or plant level ) .
2 ‘ We have important league and cup games coming up next month in addition to national squad weekends , so it 's understandable that some of our players do n't wish to take their chances in a club fixture , ’ said the Quins ' press officer Alex Saward yesterday .
3 In addition to national airlines , early users were big organizations which had to keep track of many internal operations such as many components , many spare parts or large dealer/point-of-sale networks .
4 In addition to national research council funding for individual country participation , the EUROCOMP comparative project has received support from the Council of Europe , the European Science Foundation and the Volkswagen Foundation .
5 Unless they become tribesmen when they acquire national membership they will lack those affiliations and loyalties below the level of nation which are identical in kind to national loyalty , and which sustain and give meaning to the existence of born Libyans : a system which derives nationhood from family and tribe does not easily accommodate immigrants .
6 He has a meeting with Colonel Charalambedes , the Officer in Command of National Guard forces in our area .
7 Group out in force at national conference
8 The man they have in mind for national coach is Swansea coach Mike Ruddock .
9 Employees were awarded sums of money between a hundred pounds and fifteen thousand pounds to tackle projects in partnership with national or local voluntary organisations .
10 Employees were awarded sums of money between a hundred pounds and fifteen thousand pounds to tackle projects in partnership with national or local voluntary organisations .
11 in respect of self-employed persons , in receipt of National Insurance Unemployment Benefit or in the absence of the entitlement to such benefit provides satisfactory evidence of being registered at the Department of Employment ( DHSS in Northern Ireland ) .
12 The District Council endorsed these opinions and Jacques wrote to National Secretary Harry Nutt the following week to tell him so — adding that the Council had also supported the plea for an increase in Ministry grant-aid to 90% of teaching costs , which was of course in keeping with National WEA policy .
13 The father was a busy man , he said , engaged in work of national importance , in the child 's best interest he would give the custody to the defendant 's mother .
14 The EMF would issue hard ecu deposits or notes in exchange for national currencies and set interest rates on hard ecu , initially on the interest bearing deposits it took , largely from commercial banks , and later " by the normal central banking techniques , namely through the creation of money market shortages which would then be relieved at the chosen interest rate " .
15 Delays in establishment of national conference
16 Instead , I phoned Labour Party headquarters and spoke to Mr Whitty , the person in charge of national membership .
17 David Mellor , Treasury Chief Secretary , who also took a front-line role in exposing Labour 's tax and spending plans , was given his own department , in charge of National Heritage — including arts , sports , broadcasting and the national lottery .
18 Among those detained for investigation into suspected criminal acts were Vasil Bilak , former secretary of the CPCz central committee ; Milos Jakes , former general secretary of the CPCz ; Jozef Lenart , former member of the CPCz presidium and secretary of the CPCz central committee ; Rudolf Hegenbart and Michal Stefanak , former heads of CPCz central committee departments ; Alojz Lorenc , former Deputy Interior Minister in charge of national security ; Peter Colotka , former Slovak Prime Minister ; Miroslav Stepan , former member of the CPCz presidium and former secretary of the Prague party section ; and Rudolf Barak , former Interior Minister .
19 Ibrahima Sylla Foreign Affairs and Co-operation Maj. Abdourahmane Diallo Minister at the Presidency in charge of National Defence
20 On Feb. 26 it was reported that Andras Galszecsy had resigned as Minister without Portfolio in charge of national security affairs .
21 Six junior appointments to the Cabinet announced on Oct. 25 [ see p. 39029 for formation on July 19 ] included three women ; Meriem Mihoub Zerdani , Saida Benhabyles and Malika Allab , respectively Minister Counsellor for Legal and Administrative Affairs , Minister Delegate to the Head of Government in charge of National Solidarity , and Secretary of State at the Ministry of Education .
22 sports specific programmes in conjunction with National Governing Bodies of Sport or the appropriate local committee .
23 There was , with increasing frequency , the elementary school , teaching the national language ( a new and second language for most peasant children ) and , in conjunction with national administration and national politics , splitting their personality .
24 Sadly , since 1979 , and in spite of national and international protest , much of the land we loved has vanished forever beneath an ever-increasing canopy of foreign conifers .
25 The current figures show that yet again we are performing in excess of national requirements .
26 Wages may not be withheld , except in conformity with national regulations , but " in no case may an employed person be deprived of the means necessary for subsistence " .
27 A glance at the syllabus for the Certificate of Professional Competence ( CPC ) awarded by the Royal Society of Arts ( RSA ) in respect of national transport operations shows the area of knowledge required .
28 The role of the whole time branch secretary was raised and we , what we 've done here , is to continue the practice that operated in respect of national industrial conferences , and it says on page four , as is currently the case for national industrial conferences full-time officials and branch secretaries not working in the industry may attend by arrangement between the region and the section secretary with the right to speak but not to vote .
29 ‘ The £665,000 is not a sum that I believe would gain a positive response from the Government in respect of national assistance .
30 However , not everybody is in favour of national mandatory registration .
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