Example sentences of "in [indef pn] he [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Circumcision ( 4:24–26 ) : Moses failed to circumcise his son — and God can not overlook disobedience , even in one he has chosen .
2 Maria Iñes was dumpy and talkative ; Maria Teresa was dark and very like João , though not quite so good looking , and Maria de Graça was taller , plainer , and so intent upon winning herself a place in Heaven that she had little conversation for anyone apart from Padre Jorge , an oily man with plump little hands and a great anxiety to be first to agree with Dom João in everything he said .
3 In everything he said there were wisps of mockery .
4 The accuracy of his geological maps was legendary , his crisp and lucid style apparent in everything he wrote .
5 The hon. Gentleman is wrong in everything he says .
6 Bones obliged him in everything he asked , even shaking him tenderly back into the saddle when he flew up round his ears or slipped tailwards .
7 Edward was born on the third of March , and the advent of spring is a constant theme , and symbol of renewal , in everything he has written .
8 He made a special point of seeking their opinion and their cooperation in everything he undertook on their behalf ; he believed in giving his deaf friends every opportunity of sharing in the organisation of the social and religious life of the Institutes in his care .
9 Throughout the week , McEnroe MkII was impressive in everything he tried .
10 In everything he attempted , the religious ingredient , essential from the first , remained paramount .
11 The keen demand made patronage a double-edged weapon for the politician , who could find himself making enemies as readily as friends unless he proceeded with the utmost caution in everything he attempted .
12 In everything he did there was a touch of charisma , and , following everything he did , a nagging doubt .
13 In his autobiography A Little Learning ( 1964 ) Waugh was to observe that at the age of sixteen he noticed that his publisher father , ‘ whom I had grown up to accept with complete simplicity ’ , was in fact a highly gifted actor in everything he did .
14 Don Bennett led from the front , he excelled in everything he did , eg flying a record-breaking 6,000 miles in Mercury , part of the Short Mayo composite , the setting-up and operation of the Atlantic Ferry during 1940 , bringing much-needed aircraft from North America to the UK .
15 Not in everything he did .
16 ‘ What could be less noble in reason , ’ he wrote , ‘ less infinite in faculty , than that man , despite his potentialities , should have fallen into such error in the use of himself , and in this way brought about such a lowering in his standard of functioning that in everything he attempts to accomplish , these harmful conditions tend to become more and more exaggerated .
17 And so , unable either to believe in the significance of what he was doing or to regard it with indifference as an empty formality , all the time he was preparing for the sacrament he was conscious of a feeling of discomfort and shame in taking part in something he did not understand , which was therefore , an inner voice told him , deceitful and wrong of him .
18 There was n't one word of commendation in anything he had ever said to her .
19 I have never not been happy with him in anything he has done . ’
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