Example sentences of "in [v-ing] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The information that the pupil responses give the teacher is often surprising and considerable and certainly extremely helpful in ascertaining the depth of knowledge and understanding the children have reached .
2 The imposter then declares himself , and it is interesting to see if the judicial process has succeeded in ascertaining the truth of the matter .
3 For example , in ascertaining the image of a book on a distant plane , he adopted a procedure familiar to artists for almost a century .
4 Naturally the judges ' tariff is not writ in stone ; it may and does change over time , so that sentences passed in 1900 are of little or no value in ascertaining the tariff in 1992 .
5 C. 282 , p. 1 ) , and which by virtue of section 3(3) of the Act of 1990 may be considered in ascertaining the meaning or effect of any provision of the Rome Convention , explains the genesis of sub-paragraph ( e ) , at p. 33 :
6 Resort to logic does not seem to help in ascertaining the distinction .
7 A failure to conform to the legal requirements in contracting a marriage will render that marriage void .
8 We shall have more to say about these functions in later chapters , but will meanwhile point out that these functions and the needs they serve are interrelated : success in interpersonal communication depends in part on success in transmitting a message , which in turn depends in part on success in terms of text production .
9 They can be of great service in transmitting the Faith , even though they can never replace the personal witness which is essential to the proclamation of the full truth and value of the Christian message .
10 The structure of the animal 's behaviour will be adapted to all these features in ways that in past generations have been most successful in transmitting the gene complexes of individuals into the future .
11 Was the ADAA also active in policing the art market for thefts ?
12 The irony in the situation is that the real double standard involved in policing the area is not applied to white youth , but to their black counterparts .
13 But , in policing the world , the big powers , above all America , ought to want someone who will stand firm in tough times : a partner , not a patsy .
14 The case quite clearly pulls upon the same set of socially constructed fears that Hall and his colleagues analyse as the creation of the black mugger in Policing the Crisis .
15 Having lost his sense of direction , he attempted a foolish back-pass following a clever chip by Franck Sauzee , but only succeeding in touching the ball beyond the advancing Goram .
16 Another appalling accident — on Parchamo when partner Mal Duff 's crampon failed precipitating them both down the mountain — dented his psychological readjustment following the Andes accident described in Touching the Void , but has n't destroyed it .
17 His experiences of coming to terms with blindness are described in Touching the Rock , published by SPCK earlier this year .
18 Much less flashy and class orientated in a UK sense , they have more of a general consultancy view of the world , with a problem-solving approach rather than just an interest in completing a job .
19 Cross-reference to other areas of study to be drawn on in completing the assignment ( as appropriate ) and the methods by which integration will be achieved .
20 integrated team have shown tremendous enthusiasm and commitment in completing the construction to time and money against what sometimes seemed an impossibly challenging programme . ’
21 From Snowdonia , the National Park Officer wrote to say that , ‘ We see little point in completing the beech survey since so many beeches in North Wales are showing the exact symptoms you mention — i.e. small leaves , reduced leaf number ( dieback ) cluster twigs and leaf curl .
22 They looked well satisfied : another crop safely transformed and delivered ; Zacco more firmly enthroned and in their perennial debt ; their share in bringing Nicholas and his army to Cyprus fully justified , despite the small delay in completing the contract .
23 Trainees will probably need a lot of guidance in completing the exercise in Handout 14 both because they are doing it without the benefit of parents and in order to keep their CBs both objective and closely related to the PBs .
24 However , there has been a delay in completing the deal culminating in court proceedings being taken .
25 The former high class hurdler has not come off the bridle to record two effortless chasing victories and , although this is his stiffest task to date over fences , he should have little difficulty in completing the hat-trick .
26 In completing the questionnaire , research students may have opted to complete parts of it in the quickest way without much thought .
27 Officials said the Prime Minister wanted to ‘ unlock talent from all parts of the party ’ in completing the reshaping of his administration .
28 Are you the smartly dressed , well-spoken accountant with long blonde hair , in her mid-30s , from North London or Luton , who volunteered to help in completing the Burstow Wildlife Sanctuary 's accounts ?
29 According to Mr Hurst , Trafalgar House has held back money because it claims sub-contractors were responsible for delays in completing the project .
30 Curzon was appointed chairman of committees in the House of Lords ( 1775–89 ) , which took up much time , but provided a regular income to help in completing the house .
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