Example sentences of "in [num] [num] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 the war ended in forty five you know
2 Sadly when Roger left in nineteen eighty-six it took the education of who provided Roger 's er salary until point successor .
3 Do you remember football wise back in nineteen sixty-six they played against England and all they did was kick our players .
4 We 've heard you playing the piano for the local Sunday school erm we 'll pay you sixty pounds a year , which in nineteen fifty whatever it was a lot of money , provided you spend half of that having organ lessons .
5 because they do n't give a specific definition as to what a landlord is or a rich peasant or a middle peasant meant that how that there was a lot of flexibility within that and it 's only later that they have to reissue those two documents on how to analyze the classes which erm which had been published in nineteen thirty which they felt that you know the Party 's moving too far away , but why did n't they do it at the time ?
6 Unemploy were bad in Lancashire in er in nineteen thirty you know .
7 In nineteen thirty there was something like there was only about er ninety , hundred spitfires in the Battle of Britain all the rest were fucking Hurricane 's and stuff
8 And er I had er in nineteen sixteen I had er what they called typhoid fever which now they call enteric fever you know .
9 So from six million in nineteen fifteen we 've gone to one hundred billion , one hundred thousand million dollars .
10 As in nineteen sixty-seven it will call the law against marijuana immoral and unworkable .
11 We have no choice ; when my father died in nineteen seventy-nine I had to come to an arrangement with the Capital Taxes Office , that , er for not paying the full value of the er death duties on the value of the contents of the house , I had to open it to the public , quite frankly , if then and even more now , if I had to pay the full amount , I 'd have had to sell everything which my family have collected over the last seven hundred years .
12 Only three years after that he put some erm mercury into a glass capillary and measured its resistance , and in nineteen eleven he discovered superconductivity .
13 I ca n't see how we 've had a revue in nineteen eighty-eight which has recommended a very specific course of action , none of which appears to have been implemented , I do n't see how we get a report which describes er , the intention of the county council as maintaining the ethos of the County Farms , whatever that is , as I , I do n't recall any decisions like that , and certainly if we 've made one , I 'd be interested in being party to changing it , I think wha what we have to say is we 've got a lot of land , are we using it to the best interest of the people of Wiltshire , and that is one thing it 's addressing , not a , a way of preserving the County Estates as they are , not a way of keeping a hundred and twenty farmers and their families erm , as tenants of Wiltshire , I mean they 're not gon na be out of jobs are they ?
14 But that that phrase in the structure plan approved in nineteen eighty I think does give some weight to what we 're trying to address this morning .
15 In nineteen eighty I think it was five hundred and twenty , and at the moment it is about a thousand and two .
16 So we have followed that plan and in nineteen ninety we conducted a study as to exactly how this could be done , a er an integrated agency management structure was devised and a plan was er produced which would have resulted in the two agencies merging at the beginning of this year at the start of the what was then planned the D I phase .
17 In nineteen ninety we spent fifty two million pounds on vitamin supplements .
18 When the The Raddings prefabs were put up in nineteen forty-six they really were n't meant to last more than ten years .
19 Er , they 're overall figures , but for instance the F T , which er , the year before seventy five percent of its revenue came from advertising and er in , in ninety one it was down to seventy percent .
20 In Ninety Two we had 12 World …
21 In ninety two there were redundancy costs to some extent offset by some er savings in payroll , there 'll by no redundancy cost relating to those previous redundancies in ninety three , but there will be the full saving on the payroll .
22 And I think a significant point is that for the first time in ninety three we were likely to take something in , in relation to B Sky B.
23 They were not , they were not dispensed with , well one could look back in seventy eight and say retrospectively how that process could have been started considerably earlier , er the honourable gentleman knows perfectly well that er as the Maastricht bill was winding its way through here it was n't really practical to run this but indeed the processes were started before the governing legislation was on the statute book and I quite understand why honourable gentlemen opposite wish to make their party points , particularly those particularly those who were not in the house in seventy eight which er does n't I think apply to the honourable gentleman from from Birmingham , when he knows perfectly well that the same kind of machinery is used now was used then and it was used as fairly and as honestly and as completely impartially as the time allowed .
24 But then in seventy nine we had a hit at home with Bunch of Time and that as far as we were concerned was the end of the road you know to be successful in Ireland and then late eighty one , early eighty two you know they started playing Bunch of Time over here and it became a top twenty hit for us and that you know changed the whole thing round about and got us from say the pubs in Ireland into the concert circuit in England which we 've been doing ever since .
25 I think in seventy seven I think .
26 then I were married in sixty five I were n't fifteen !
27 It was because in eighty five we had the lowest spending per household of any county in the country .
28 No in eighty four they they were n't going under they were
29 But there 's another interesting fact that as well erm and it 's borne out , I know opinion polls had a rather bad erm er er got a bad press in the general election er because they were n't very accurate and it was odd this because their , their accuracy levels had becoming er had , had , had been becoming frighteningly er accurate say in eighty seven you know ?
30 So that er animal charities day is at St John 's Church , Park Farm oh John St John 's Church Hall , Park Farm , twenty pence to get in ten thirty it starts this Saturday .
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