Example sentences of "in [det] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 They were in neither half of the house , but in a space that did not really exist for Maggie , who never asked herself which half the house was whose , since the whole house was , for her , theirs .
2 Goody himself in a later essay points out that ‘ at least during the last 2,000 years the vast majority of peoples of the world ( most of Eurasia and much of Africa ) have lived in neither kind of situation , but in cultures which were influenced in some degree by the circulation of the written word , by the presence of groups or individuals who could read or write ’ ( 1968 , p. 4 ) .
3 Even in areas outside this great span — in Australia for example , the South Pacific or Amerindia — the main detailed knowledge that we have of these cultures is — almost by definition — in neither kind of situation , but in cultures which were influenced in some degree by the circulation of the written word , by the presence of groups or individuals who could read or write .
4 But if I sympathize and help , or gloat and take opportunities to add to his difficulties , in neither case with any prospect of advantage to myself , you can be sure that I am indeed aware of how he feels .
5 There may be a lengthy exchange , with documents including the standard terms of the two parties passing to and fro , before the battle is won ; in certain circumstances the battle may result in neither set of terms governing the contract .
6 In neither form of action could the plaintiff be sure of recovering his goods in specie since the judgment in trespass was for damages and in detinue gave the defendant the option of giving up the goods or paying damages but it is unlikely that this was considered a defect and it should be noted that the remedy of specific restitution of chattels has remained unusual right up to modern times .
7 TORY councillors at Blackpool yesterday left the Government in little doubt about the need for the £1.3bn package of concessions to ease the introduction of poll tax .
8 But Mr Waddington 's tone left colleagues in little doubt about his lack of enthusiasm about having to solve another minister 's problems with legislation which will be attacked from all sides , including Tory rightwingers .
9 But Mr Waddington 's tone left colleagues in little doubt about his lack of enthusiasm about having to solve another minister 's problems with legislation which will be attacked from all sides , including Tory rightwingers .
10 Dennay and his deputy were in Scotland earlier this month for a meeting with senior staff , and were left in little doubt about the general unhappiness at the new set up .
11 That this is the nub of the British governments ' sudden concern for the long-term unemployed in West Belfast is in little doubt among community activists .
12 In a second variant , one chooses the element of largest modulus in each column in turn ; in a third , the diagonal elements are chosen in order ; and in a fourth , the diagonal elements of largest modulus are chosen in turn .
13 Complete counts of the Oystercatcher population wintering in Sussex in each January from 1972 to 1976 ranged from 940 to 1,530 , and averaged 1,170 .
14 Reference is made in each procedure to the actions taken by other people .
15 Reference is made in each procedure to the actions taken by other people .
16 Originally , under the Law of Similars , investors were offered a protected place , one foreign firm in each segment of the sector , just as in aircraft .
17 Typically there is a pair of ganglia in each segment of the body , but the members of a pair are usually so closely united that they appear as a single ganglion , the commissure being no longer evident externally .
18 To varying extents in different kinds of creature , cell divisions during development occur in rigid sequence , a sequence that recurs in each repetition of the life cycle .
19 We have joined Mr Fothergill 's to offer 200 sets in each colour to our readers : a total of 1,000 packets to give away !
20 Dictation practice is given in each unit with emphasis on speed in the later units .
21 In each unit on your plan .
22 Mainly case study format which focuses in each unit on a major activity , eg assessing staff , together with a secondary topic , eg manpower planning .
23 Useful guide in each unit to the various services provided by Telecom , and how to use them .
24 DIGI DUB serve up a welcome listen of techno ragga , electro and dub , blending them to such a degree that they still remain hard to categorise , dealing in each style with equal authority and adeptness throughout and as inventive as anything you 'll find plagiarising these genres .
25 Prototype materials were tried out in these schools with the help of field curriculum workers ( mobile teacher trainers whose story we shall take up in a later chapter ) and later refined and distributed in final form to a further eight hundred schools with a similar scale of supervision , in the hope that these would serve as a nucleus in each state for further dissemination to other schools .
26 Most of the modes considered so far require the involvement in each state of an agency of central government as well as the competent official ( parquet , etc. ) at the local level .
27 The equilibrium state describes the proportion of time the system spends in each state in the long term .
28 It specifies a large number of actions to be taken , including the appointment of teachers in each school with , among other duties , a responsibility for interagency liaison .
29 Information gathered would be used in each school as a ‘ management tool ’ , with no plans at present to insist on publication .
30 Consider it essential proper principles are consolidated and that action can be taken in each case without reference to you .
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