Example sentences of "in [noun prp] and [conj] " in BNC.

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1 It is accepted by the careers service that the figures are rather crude , that they consist of people who register an interest in YT and that there are various problems about counting those people as actual demands for YT places .
2 But we very much hope that the map will stay in Hereford and that we shall have the money we require for the Cathedral .
3 What was more , some six weeks later we learned that a sadistic killer was abroad in Fulham and that bodies had been destroyed by acid in a bath in the house next door to the ‘ Doll 's hospital . ’
4 From time to time he would visit his family in Germany and when he left in July 1939 everyone assumed he would return .
5 Amazingly , cats with similar genes were found in Germany and when these were crossed with the Cornish Rex specimens they produced typical curly offspring .
6 Robin Mark Davies told the inquest that he had gone with Mr Venables to the Central Park Hotel in Bromborough and that his friend had started to ‘ freak out ’ .
7 Yeah , yeah and then they 'll be able to stay Joseph and Charlotte will be full time in January they 're allowed to , I think what it is , is , they 're allowed to start when they 're small part time but they 're not allowed to go full time until the term they 're gon na be five in and you see Charlotte will be five in March and because I think that comes before the Easter of the Bank Holiday , erm she 'll be able to start January full time , where you 're supposed to , you know , three years they 'll all be
8 There are no nationwide ley systems , though possible local arrangements are beginning to be discerned-particularly alignments onto ‘ holy hills ’ , as in Bolivia and as noted by the German researcher Dr Josef Heinsch during his researches before the Second World War .
9 Bush said on Nov. 30 that he was prepared to go " the extra mile for peace " , proposing that Iraq 's Foreign Minister Tariq Aziz should visit Washington for talks with him in mid-December and that this be followed by Baker visiting Baghdad .
10 The Dents owned the very first car in Baldersdale and that created quite a stir I remember being at school when they first drove it round the place and the teacher brought us all out on to the road to have a closer look at this amazing thing .
11 The Modern Picture World reported that this ‘ daring ’ film was doing well at the De Kalb theatre in Brooklyn and that when it opened on Broadway the ‘ socialist ’ Upton Sinclair would be present at each performance .
12 It is generally agreed that maize was domesticated in Mexico and that its ancestor was a grass called teosinte , which grows in the hills to the south-west of Mexico City .
13 Ferrari argued that proper procedures had not been followed in Portugal and that Mansell had been unable to hear the instructions on his radio as he travelled at 170 mph past the pits .
14 Meredith , 84 , who starred as the boxing coach in Rocky and as Penguin in the Batman TV series , said : ‘ I was in my bathrobe in the house and suddenly I tripped and disappeared under water .
15 he passed his eleven plus as it was then and er he went to a school called Regent Street Grammar school in Plymouth and when we moved in here I had to go to Holly House , I think they call it
16 His father owned a record shop in Baltimore and before he went to university he had become the buyer for the shop , a job which provided an unlikely education .
17 The training packs were finally despatched in December and because they were based on information that had not yet been circulated , they served an information as well as training need .
18 She is moving to the north in January and although sorry to be leaving Kent , is looking forward , with her husband , to living on the outskirts of Sheffield overlooking the Derbyshire dales .
19 Esler and Gregory told us that they were planning a report on Terry Waite 's anniversary in January and if we wanted publicity , they would interview us .
20 Another suggests that Dom Pérignon spent several years in the Benedictine monastery at Alcántara in Spain and that it was he , not the monks of Santiago de Compostela , who brought the cork to Hautvillers .
21 The proposal foundered on British and American fears that the Soviet Union wanted , for its own purposes , to provoke another civil war in Spain and that it would seek to manipulate any Security Council debate to that end .
22 That led to the Hundred Years War , and in the summer of 1346 , Edward III landed in Normandy and that led to the battle of Crecy on 26th .
23 He sent for Eleanor to join him in Normandy and when she arrived , a message went to Richard , requiring him to surrender Aquitaine to his mother , the lawful duchess .
24 At this stage we were selling about three thousand tons of polyester film a year and my two closest lieutenants , my planning and marketing colleagues , persuaded me we should double the size of the plant at Dumfries in Scotland and that we should build another plant in Europe .
25 An action begun in Glasgow for possession of the books , papers and effects was turned down on the grounds that the Sailors ' and Firemen 's Union was not registered in Scotland and that the complaint had therefore been raised " without title or authority " , though these effects were , claimed Shinwell , later handed over " for the sake of peace and quiet " .
26 Will the Minister confirm that he has received the results of the review of the trunk road system in Scotland and that the bypass , once it has been approved , will be given first priority in this list of trunk roads ?
27 91,000 people have dementia in Scotland and although many will die of other causes , vastly more will die of dementia than the few hundred dying of Aids .
28 After a spell as London editor of the Evening Dispatch he became press officer for the RAF in Scotland and when that job was ended he moved back to London to become a public relations officer for the Royal Navy .
29 We met in Bologna and while discussing the painting I informed him that the original had turned up at Wildenstein 's in New York , and had recently been sold to a New York private collector and that an article of mine was in proof , publishing the New York picture as the original .
30 It is expected that the members of the team of consultants will be announced in May and that they will be given six months to complete the report , which will be published towards the end of the year .
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