Example sentences of "in [noun prp] [pers pn] give " in BNC.

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1 In March I gave the whole of the plot a dressing of blood , fish and bone fertiliser .
2 Immediately on his arrival in England he gave orders for Eleanor 's release from custody .
3 In November he gave an address at the Mary Institute ; the ghosts of the past were all around him as he spoke of the door into the schoolyard , the corridors , the whisperings of his enclosed childhood world .
4 Even Christianity , which is in danger of saying that when God ‘ became ’ man in Jesus He gave up all the attributes of divinity , like omnipresence , draws back from saying so , admitting that God ‘ put on ’ or ‘ added ’ humanity to His unchanging divinity during the Incarnation .
5 Processed carefully in Rodinal it gives as fine a grain as is likely to be required from , for example , 35mm enlarged to a 20″×16″ exhibition size print .
6 In June he gave two performances in Taipei .
7 In June he gave a broad hint that he was on the verge of acting .
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