Example sentences of "in [adv] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 FOR A birthday boy , Mark Ibold is in rather disgruntled form .
2 Is there any real development and trend that could be explained perhaps in rather simple language to people like myself ?
3 Other authors have been more coy : " I have left the central concept of this paper , namely pragmatic context , in rather thorough vagueness , and this for the simple reason that I see no clear way to reduce the vagueness at the moment " ( Bar-Hillel , 1970:80 ) .
4 Bone breakage was analysed in rather greater detail by Andrews & Evans ( 1983 ) .
5 In what follows , I want to look very briefly at the formal structure , and the various departments that may be found in it : and then in rather greater detail at the account group as it may operate on a single client 's account , and how it may — with luck — interact effectively with the client 's own operations .
6 The ‘ untalented , uneducated and ill-disposed louts ’ I described above in rather intemperate language before taking my walk will make much of the ‘ coincidence ’ ( as they will put it , with heavy irony , drawing out each syllable like bubble-gum ) that Miller also appears to share the outward marks of my own alleged ill-health .
7 In rather breathless fashion , Charles explained that he wanted to find out who researched and wrote an article about the petrol crisis in a late edition on Monday 3rd of December .
8 Graham started to smile , though he thought the joke itself might be in rather poor taste , but then he was aware of Sara turning quickly , putting her glass on the mantelpiece and looking straight at him , coming closer , her face set in strange hard lines , eyes bright , taking him by the elbow and turning her head as if to emphasise that she was talking to Graham , ignoring Slater , saying , " You do dance , do n't you ? "
9 It is found in moderately hard , alkaline waters , in slow-moving rivers and backwaters , often over muddy substrates and in rather murky water ( probably best not simulated in captivity ) .
10 In the morning they left Scott of Eldinhope in rather better mood , the Regent being at pains to pay for benefits received , which clearly the laird had not expected .
11 Across the globe , in San Francisco that weekend the Artists ' Liberation Front , in rather better weather organized a weekend of free fairs in the ghetto parks .
12 The distance from the beginning of ORF EP1242L to the first 7T motif downstream of the ORF is 3.94 kb , in rather good agreement with the size determined for this RNA .
13 That was borne out by the census that was taken in April , in rather warmer weather .
14 Comfort shook it and murmured something formally polite , but she looked him over in rather obvious disdain , tilting back her small head to see his face .
15 Arguing that Glasgow wages were already higher than those in Edinburgh , and pointing out that the Glasgow printers had successfully blacked firms trying to employ women , he went on ( in rather clotted prose ) : I am satisfied that the employment of female compositors in Glasgow , while it would increase the total volume of work done there and admit of the natural development of the Glasgow book trade , would not injure the position of the Glasgow men printers , while it would enable the Glasgow printing trade , employed as well as employers , to obtain and retain work which at present ought to come to Glasgow , or at least might come to Glasgow but now goes to Edinburgh .
16 Taking the case of social class as an example of a more general difficulty associated with speaker variables , I shall comment in the following sections in rather less detail on sex and ethnicity .
17 His fiery Sack of Troy ( fig. 101 ) will be discussed in the next section ( p. 76 ) , together with a rendering of the same scene in rather different mood ( fig. 102 ) by one of the greatest pot-painters , the Kleophrades Painter , in connection with Pausanias 's description of a wall painting by Polygnotos of Troy Taken .
18 These policies even contemplated the nationalization of industry , in rather more detail than had ever been considered by the Labour Party .
19 We can study the circuit in rather more detail if we look at Fig. 4 .
20 But , in carrying out the scan technique , you will need to define each attitude to yourself in rather more detail .
21 However , before one can reach this conclusion — one that is refreshingly straightforward and easy to apply — it is necessary to consider the material in rather more detail
22 I was here to win at all costs and did so in rather fine style . ’
23 People with his sort of skills willing to give a bit of time to the Church are in rather short supply . ’
24 We are planting four acres of woad in order to have a blue bed for next year cos there is n't enough woad is is is in rather short supply so we have to grow our own .
25 The timing of when to do the turn is particularly important in anything other than in dead flat water , since the slope of even the smallest wave can be used to bank off , thereby helping to maintain speed .
26 By 1982 , some 180 000 ha of land had been cleared , with a further 1 million ha likely to be cleared by the completion of Repelita IV in 1988 , involving c. 300 000 ha per year in mostly primary forest areas that are cleared by burning after initial felling .
27 Ten minutes later , Terry , in remarkably good shape for a dead man , was brought back down .
28 You might be surprised , therefore , and certainly more than a little proud , that we have come through 1992 in remarkably good shape , and are well placed for the New Year .
29 Northway is a typical example ( if there is such a thing ) of the little rural mills of this region , though unlike many others it is in remarkably good condition .
30 Suddenly , under a pile of wood , rubble and plaster , they found an old wooden box in remarkably good condition .
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