Example sentences of "a [noun sg] had been " in BNC.

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1 To one side , a kitchen had been improvised , and was partly shielded from the rest of the room with an embroidered curtain , perhaps as a gesture towards the more gentlemanly side of Victor 's life .
2 A Squadron had been divided into sections for the first period of their military training .
3 On the protection of members of the public , the hon. Gentleman said that a case had been decided , but that there was some doubt about the position .
4 He said he was not satisfied that a case had been made that a nuisance was being caused .
5 He said he was not satisfied that a case had been made that a nuisance was being caused .
6 All talk of a referendum had been dropped by the time the Supreme Soviet came to vote on the programme .
7 The idea of a referendum had been supported by a petition with 516,000 signatures ; any such referendum would have to be held five months before the elections , planned for June 1992 .
8 Holding a referendum had been one of the conditions demanded by the European Communities ( EC ) before it would consider diplomatic recognition of an independent Bosnia-Hercegovina [ see pp. 38703-04 ] .
9 The Republic of Serbian Krajina ( RSK ) and the self-proclaimed Serbian Republic of Bosnia-Hercegovina [ see p. 39103 ] agreed on Oct. 31 that they would unite after a referendum had been held and UN troops had withdrawn from the RSK .
10 Nevertheless the third party and his advisers seem to have acted as if such a direction had been given , for a document expressed to be a defence and counterclaim of the third party has been served .
11 Some time during the muzzy fug of these dissipations , a decision had been reached .
12 Part of the parents ' case had rested on the following argument : within the school which the child attended a decision had been taken to include her in a remedial class ; thus , the special educational provision that should be made for her had already been determined ; so a statement ( under section 7(1) of the Act ) should follow .
13 Where there was evidence to show that such a decision had been taken for reasons of national security , this would be accepted to ‘ preclude judicial investigation of [ the ] particular … grievance ’ .
14 For a long time , he continued , the Crown authorities had paid no attention to ‘ this clamour ’ but then a decision had been taken to recommend a free pardon .
15 Already a decision had been made , sometime in 1964 , to hive ‘ Planet of Giants ’ and ‘ The Dalek Invasion of Earth ’ off from the first season — in whose block they had been recorded — and to graft them as openers to the second season , thus giving the overworked Production Office a bit of a breather .
16 Rostov searched his face for some hint that a decision had been reached .
17 In Bristol and Coventry three years prior to this , a decision had been taken to replace a batch personnel system with an on-line internally developed IMS package , covering recruitment , personnel administration/records , training and management information .
18 And obviously a decision had been reached .
19 Even in that early part of the siege a decision had been made that you were all going to die .
20 But the man said he ‘ understood ’ a decision had been taken by the leadership of the UDA/ UFF to raid the homes of RUC officers in loyalist areas and ‘ subject their wives and children to similar treatment . ’
21 A Washington Post report of Oct. 9 , 1989 , quoted US administration officials as saying that a decision had been made during an unusually secretive policy review that the USA would continue to produce chemical weapons over a 10-year phaseout period after the conclusion of an international treaty to ban the weapons ( see negotiations above ) .
22 ‘ In fact , I think a decision had been reached that it is a play about women entering a beauty contest not a play about women getting undressed . ’
23 A decision had been taken to switch off his life-support machine .
24 Liam eventually had been revived but had suffered brain damage through lack of oxygen and a decision had been taken to switch off his life-support .
25 Mr O'Malley said a decision had been put off for 48 hours to permit a special investigation of Mr Reynolds ' allegation by Irish High Court president Mr Justice Liam Hamilton .
26 He motioned Karlinsky forward and with a generous flourish directed him up the three steps on to the small platform in front of the Ark of the Law where a lectern had been placed .
27 Sure enough , over the police radio came the news that a gang had been seen roaming the area , armed with crossbows .
28 Pham Van Dong in Paris , as well as Giap in Hanoi , had a comparable distrust of French intentions and , since elections of a kind had been held in January 1946 , the Vietminh had been busy consolidating communist power at the centre of a nationalist movement which , in its external aspect , impressed many observers with its moderation .
29 Until the start of reforms in late 1990 a beard had been considered an " alien manifestation " , and bearded men had been liable to arrest , but the Guardian of Feb. 9 , quoting an opposition activist , reported that beards were no longer illegal .
30 Indeed , the authorities upon which Mr. Collins relied in support of his submission proved on examination to be cases in which the possibility of a defence had been disposed of in that way .
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