Example sentences of "a [noun sg] with the " in BNC.

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1 Perhaps today it should be turned into a couplet with the second line being ‘ Half your pension 's too much to pay ! ’
2 Make sex discussions much less of a trial with the Family Planning Association 's new Growing Up series of leaflets : Answering Your Child 's Questions , for parents ; How Your Body Changes , for teenagers .
3 And when the promotions were made before the Watch Committee , I was the last one to go in , and the chairman of the Watch Committee , that was John , he said to me , Chief Constable has recommended that you be given a trial with the detective staff .
4 Digital has run down sections of its operation in Ireland over the last few years , including the closure of a plant a Clonmel with the loss of 350 jobs .
5 We have seen such a case with the Lloyd 's building .
6 Can I just come back Chair , and I recognize obviously there is er , further work that 's going on with this and support that it does , but there is a case with the Parliamentary Ombudsman in discipline on this at the moment , so on the way in which it 's been handled by the Ministry .
7 He did tinker a bit with the machine .
8 Pouncey was Vercoe 's squeeze , and so he cut loose a bit with the cattle prod . ’
9 But he came more than he might have and he 'd done a bit with the bells in his heyday .
10 Which means some changing at night , or doing a bit with the night , or other one .
11 ‘ What 's that down there ? ’ whispered Rose indicating another dim light on a level with the lawn .
12 ‘ I found myself on a level with the whole of the French people ; my new companions … were miners , navvies , workers in metal and wood .
13 Because of the Swamp they had come so far south that they must now be at least on a level with the path where they had fought with the sturdy beggars although the northern ride must lie between them and it .
14 A true story is told that the steeple of Hull 's Holy Trinity church , is on a level with the road in Church Street , Sutton .
15 ‘ Lots of jazz players have been doing it now for six or seven years and are on a level with the Americans .
16 He now not only re-introduced Elphege : he brought him back into his carefully limited and graded sequence of holy days at a very high level indeed , placing him among the Festivitates quae magnifice celebrantur , on a level with the Epiphany , the Purification and Annunciation , the Ascension , the Feast of St Gregory , and about half a dozen other main feasts of the Church year .
17 He squatted on his haunches , his pug nose on a level with the table .
18 Salaries are substantial ; a survey for the years 1978–1980 found that the middle remuneration bracket for lawyers in a wide variety of industries was £16,000-£18,000 , which placed lawyers on a level with the average director .
19 Inside the bar they descended again into the dining alcove , and they sat at a table by a small-paned window which was back on a level with the path outside .
20 It sh it 's proposed the road should be raised on a level with the marketplace , and possibly also paved with this , this granite type paving , so that the pedestrianization idea would continue right the way across to the 's Court community centre .
21 All three did badly compared to Japan and performed roughly on a level with the United States .
22 Anna 's academic ability does not match her social skills which are outstanding , she is expected to gain a grade E in history at A level with the possibility of a D in law .
23 Also , being structurally stronger , you can fit a square-neck with the kind of strings best suited for Nationals — the heaviest in the shop !
24 ‘ And you 're on to a winner with the poll tax , paying the same as us . ’
25 BRITAIN 's first Sunday jumps meeting proved a winner with the public at Cheltenham yesterday — but the prospect of a proper on-course market still looks light years away .
26 YOU ’ RE always onto a winner with the super Daily Mirror !
27 YOU ’ RE always onto a winner with the super Daily Mirror !
28 You 're on a winner with the DAILY MIRROR
29 In learning to create these kinds of grooves you must have a direction with the music , and to develop a direction you must be listening to that kind of music .
30 He bought the drill and spent the rest of the trip flourishing it like a footballer with the World Cup .
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