Example sentences of "a [noun sg] [coord] for " in BNC.

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1 Sir Daniel Macnee , Scotland 's leading portrait painter of his day and President of the Royal Scottish Academy , painted boxes at Cumnock as a young man , and William Leighton Leitch who worked first in Cumnock and then for the Smith brothers , later found fame in London as a water-colourist and for over 20 years visited Buckingham Palace and other royal residences where he taught painting to Queen Victoria and her family .
2 Usually , but perhaps not necessarily , this right was earned by the student through the performance of some service , far and away the commonest form of which was acting as or repetiteur for a muderris , though one occasionally also finds students becoming through acting as for a kazasker or for the Mufti .
3 The priority , I think , is a good leaflet which can be used as the basis for a mailing and for sharing with Christian Aid 's partners and your contacts .
4 Tape-slide productions can be used for both group teaching , as for example , an illustration of a lecture or seminar , or for individual tuition , as in preparation for a course or for repetition .
5 I think erm the tide is changing to a certain degree er on that point , but agricultural fundamentalism as it 's called erm , tt is quite an important er aspect is political erm is political motivation for a support or for protectionism okay .
6 It cost me less than a tenner and for swingtipping and springtipping it was brilliant .
7 Most prejudicial to the reputation of the Church was the sin of simony , the buying of something of spiritual value for money , such as ecclesiastical office or advancement , or charging for ordaining a clerk or for the performance of any other spiritual service .
8 Although many of the reactions were hostile , there was some welcome for the idea of a framework and for the consultation process .
9 Tom then howled and snatched it back and the parents intervened to tell him off for making a noise and for snatching .
10 If you live in or are visiting the Bristol area , ring her to arrange a demonstration or for more information about the program .
11 If you are a creature that needs to locate things rapidly in a three-dimensional world , whether as a hunter or for other purposes , binocular vision or ‘ binocular sonar ’ are essential .
12 And one famous quote during a court case he presided over was : ‘ The old law of the eye for the eye and a tooth and for a tooth has no place in civilised society . ’
13 Dana did n't come to the showroom either ; she had appeared for a fitting and for a rehearsal , as she had promised , neither of which had been an outstanding success .
14 What , if any , additional accounts need to be opened in the second year to cope with the fact that the business is now a partnership and for what reason are they needed ?
15 Jennings [ 1990 ] Crim LR 588 ( CA ) confirmed the need for there to be a crime and for the unlawful act to be identified .
16 Finally , you may wish to subdivide these blocks into smaller areas , either permanently or for short periods for even greater control when strip- or paddock-grazing a ley or for folding stock over roots .
17 He applied to be joined in the proceedings as a defendant and for a stay of the possession order .
18 It is not worth a mention but for the fact its distribution and promotion is funded by our own dear British Film Institute .
19 Typically stockinette is used as a dishcloth and for most general cleaning purposes .
20 Thus , the dairymen who farmed the lush meadows of the Dove Valley geared their husbandry to a different system from that followed by the sheep-and-corn farmers on the Lincolnshire Wolds , and the range of opportunities for earning a living and for gaining some measure of independence from a lord or squire was much greater for a cottager living on the edge of a moor , forest or marsh than the scope available to his counterpart in one of the nucleated , corn-growing villages of the Midland Plain .
21 Having no qualifications I launched into a career as a journalist and for my health it became downhill all the way .
22 Abstinence following birth ( see post-partum abstinence ) should be distinguished from periodic abstinence or the rhythm method and from terminal abstinence which , in several cultures , is an accepted way of behaviour under certain conditions ( e.g. for a woman living with her married daughter or daughter-in-law who also has a child or for a woman who wants to cease childbearing altogether ) .
23 The heading ( on the receipts side of the ledger ) read : ‘ Subscribed by gentlemen outside the parish for a pavilion and for the outfit of the club ’ , and there followed a list ( headed by the local member of parliament ) of men described as ‘ Esqre ’ , ‘ Mr ’ , and in several cases no prefix at all — merely surname and initial .
24 He was also given three-month sentences for failing to keep his vehicle at the scene of a crash and for failing to give information concerning the accident to the gardai .
25 Mr Lewis came to a halt and for a moment seemed at a loss as to how he should go on .
26 One might answer in this case that it is also a typical feature of speech , so should probably be analysed as a contraction and for this reason avoided in academic writing — even if one accepts the idea of a regional/class standard .
27 Friedman points out that current measured income ( Y ) for a household or for the economy as a whole could be greater or less than permanent income .
28 Obviously , tables can be a visible part of a storage wall , acting as either a desk or for dining , and some of them have an extendable top so that they can be pulled right out when you have company .
29 It is possible for a series of nick points to migrate up a stream and for the whole series to coalesce when they are held up by a resistant bed .
30 ( Rapidly ) Has it ever happened to you that all of a sudden and for no reason at all you have n't the faintest idea how to spell the word — " wife " — or " house " — because when you write it down you just ca n't remember ever having seen those letters in that order before … ?
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