Example sentences of "a [noun sg] [prep] be " in BNC.

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1 So the search for a route through was on .
2 There is much wildlife to see , so do n't forget the binoculars and give yourself plenty of time , it 's not a route to be hurried !
3 The tribunal decided that a payment to be made under s 106 was ‘ pay ’ within article 119 of the EEC Treaty and , therefore , the Employment Secretary was liable to pay a payment .
4 Eventually , there is a payment to be made when the would-be borrower receives an offer letter .
5 However , Tradeco will enter into a Deed of Covenant with the church providing for a payment to be made equivalent to Tradeco 's total profits as computed for corporation tax purposes .
6 ‘ The proposition need not be questioned that where an Act purports , invalidly , to require a payment to be made , leaving the liability to be enforced by means of an action in which the invalidity of the statute is an available defence , a person who might have relied upon that defence but has paid without raising it should not be held , just because he was obeying the de facto command of a legislature , to have made the payment involuntarily .
7 Buying a disk from a library requires a payment to be made , but this only covers the distributors costs for the disk , advertising , business expenses , catalogues and the like , plus a reasonable profit for providing the service .
8 Is it not time that the Government got off their behinds and made it compulsory for a payment to be made every year to every senior citizen in this land ?
9 One solution to the problem is to think of the prescribed forms of standard written English as a sort of register : a variety to be used for specific purposes ( including writing coursework essays and exam answers ) which nevertheless may not be a variety that you identify much with , by comparison with the usage of your family and friends .
10 It is for the tenant to decide whether it would wish such a provision to be included , possibly after discussion with its guarantor , and if so , the landlord 's consent would also be required .
11 ‘ The judge may read in words which he considers to be necessarily implied by words which are already in the statute , and he has a limited power to add to , alter or ignore statutory words in order to prevent a provision from being unintelligible or absurd or totally unreasonable , unworkable or totally irreconcilable with the rest of the statute . ’
12 It involved the acceptance of a vocation to be undertaken not for money but from a sense of duty .
13 For a time he believed he had a vocation to be a priest himself but he reverted to a previous plan to save sufficient money to go to university .
14 ‘ Not all of us have a vocation to be nurses or doctors . ’
15 ONCE a glamorous adventure , flying seems ever more like a trial to be endured or avoided .
16 It was in fact rare for a grandchild to be so entirely dependant on grandparents , even after death or desertion .
17 Since I started as an engineer , and have ended as a biologist , I am struck by the similarities between the two ways of thinking , although there is the difference that an engineer starts with a function to be performed , and designs a structure to perform it , whereas a biologist often starts with a structure , and has to work out the function it is performing .
18 Luke claims that Caesar Augustus ordered a census to be taken but there is no record of a census happening at that time .
19 If Sir Ian intends a moral to be drawn , it would seem to be that prudent paternalism has much to commend it .
20 Much of it resembled the old Dutch genre paintings that had ‘ a touch of the curious and a moral to be learned ’ . ’
21 Because it 's quite clear from hereafter there is a moral to be learned for this saga .
22 A case to be heard
23 Though there is a case to be made for its use as an educational medium — and the BBC 's contribution to the Open University at Milton Keynes has been considerable , if politically questionable , and will continue despite the closure of their studios in a fine example of accountant 's false logic — this has not been the main area of impact .
24 Needless to say there is a case to be made for both sides in the discussion of small team versus large , and paid versus voluntary .
25 This may be ; but at the time there was a case to be made for the new policy satisfying the demands both of expediency and humanity .
26 A letter was despatched to the secretary there asking the County Hospital authorities to provide an ambulance if , in future , it were necessary for such a case to be sent to St. Peter 's .
27 There is also sometimes a case to be made for offering a present as a " thank you " .
28 There is therefore a case to be made for softening of some , if not all , the process water .
29 By contrast requiring a case to be stated , just like the appeal by way of case stated from a decision of a magistrates ' court or the Crown Court described in chapter 7 , obliges the tribunal to set out its decision and the reasons for it together with a formulation of the questions to be considered by the High Court .
30 In general , wherever the officer believes a case to be one which may come to his supervisor 's knowledge , it is appropriate to err on the side of caution , to ‘ go by the book ’ and protect himself from criticism .
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